Pounding the pavement for migraine

$1,125 of $3,000 goal
Given by 8 generous donors in 9 weeks

Participating in Auckland Marathon 2024 Migraine Foundation team


It's been nearly a year since I had a microdiscectomy for a dodgy L5-S1 disc. I'm tentatively getting back into running after a long hiatus so what better way to keep up the motivation than running for my favourite charity. I may be a bit biased since I'm one of the co-founders, but I'm incredibly proud of the work we've done over the past 2 years. We're still entirely volunteer-run, so fundraising and donations are like gold, and it means we can continue to give a voice to the 753,000 people with migraine.

Please support my efforts to start pounding the pavements again. You'll be supporting an amazing cause and truly making a difference!

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Latest update

Wahoo, longest run so far yesterday!  27 August 2024

Yesterday I achieved my longest running workout this year, according to Apple Fitness. I've been easing back into it to make sure my back is okay so I've been following the couch to 5km training schedule. Yesterday my schedule of run 7 minutes, walk 2 minutes, repeat x 3 saw me achieve the super long distance of 3.72km. Ha! I did warn you it would be baby steps. My next 3 runs are scheduled to be run 8 minutes, walk 2 minutes, repeat x 3, so no doubt I'll crack the 4km mark then. It's all progress though right?

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Participating in

Auckland Marathon 2024 Migraine Foundation team

Running in the 2024 Auckland Marathon to support the estimated 753,000 people in New Zealand living with migraine disease. Join our team!

Latest donations

Ang 2 days ago
See you at the start line!
Jeremy Maureen and Margaret
Jeremy Maureen and Margaret on 23 Aug 2024
All the best Sarah. Enjoy the challenge. Suggest you run more like the tortoise, not the hare.
Sarah Cahill

Wow, thank you MMJ! Appreciate your donation. Pretty sure even with some training behind me I'll be more like a tortoise than hare anyway.

Sarah Cahill
Sonia on 23 Aug 2024
Sarah Cahill

Thank you so much! Truly appreciate it.

Sarah Cahill
Patrick on 23 Aug 2024
Go Sarah!!
Sarah Cahill

Wahoo! Amazing, thanks so much for your donation!

Sarah Cahill
Kate on 22 Aug 2024
Just an easy 11km after surgery - no biggie!
Sarah Cahill

Amazing! Thanks so much!

Sarah Cahill

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This campaign started on 3 Jul 2024 and ends on 30 Nov 2024.