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Pounding the pavement for migraine

  • Halfway there

      15 September 2024

    Seven weeks to go until the event. Ran 5.5 km today - halfway to the 11km. Felt good, my back felt good while running, it was a bit of a slow plod but I've got a few more runs to go to nail the distance and time!

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  • Wahoo, longest run so far yesterday!

      27 August 2024

    Yesterday I achieved my longest running workout this year, according to Apple Fitness. I've been easing back into it to make sure my back is okay so I've been following the couch to 5km training schedule. Yesterday my schedule of run 7 minutes, walk 2 minutes, repeat x 3 saw me achieve the super long distance of 3.72km. Ha! I did warn you it would be baby steps. My next 3 runs are scheduled to be run 8 minutes, walk 2 minutes, repeat x 3, so no doubt I'll crack the 4km mark then. It's all progress though right?

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