We are participating in The MORE FM Mount Everest Challenge. Climbing the Mount 38 times is the equivalent of climbing Mount Everest!!!!
Bay of Plenty
So we grabbed a few of the less fit members of our team and decided to wander up the Mount 38 times in 50 days! Crazy?? You betcha...
As Sir Ed said 'Its not the mountain you conquer, but yourself'
There's nothing like supporting the community that you live and work in!
So who better to support than our surf lifesaving volunteers at Papamoa, Omanu and the Mount and the great work they do keeping us safe in the water!
It's all over now!! Post Challenge Update 7 April 2015
Cory, Diana, Rebecca and Stuart all completed 38 climbs in 50 days (Stuart pushing himself to a staggering 50 in 50 days!!)
So you'd think that once the challenge was done we'd be back into our old slightly less energetic ways. But no!
Both Rebecca and Diana were up and down the Mount again this morning.... 4 days after the Everest challenge finished.
Great job, guys and thanks for the extra donation, boss :)
We challenge you to challenge yourself and climb Mauao 38 times over 50 days while raising money for our 3 local surf clubs.