Themed Quiz Night at Thorrington School Hall

$3,240 of $8,000 goal
Given by 36 generous donors in around a minute

Thank you to everyone who participated in this AWESOME NIGHT! We raised well over $5000.00!!!


Thank you to everyone who participated in this AWESOME NIGHT! We raised well over $5000.00!!! It was a blast!

Thank you to everyone who participated in this AWESOME NIGHT! We raised well over $5000.00!!!

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 25 May 2014
Money from quiz night.
em and dave
em and dave on 24 May 2014
Manuela - Beckenham Bridezillas
Manuela - Beckenham Bridezillas on 23 May 2014
Uhh, should be fun....
BeckenhamBridezillas - Mel
BeckenhamBridezillas - Mel on 23 May 2014
Nic Robson
Nic Robson on 22 May 2014

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This campaign started on 1 May 2014 and ended on 1 May 2014.