The More FM Mount Everest Challenge
Bay of Plenty
I have been challenged to participate in the more FM MT Everest Challenge to climb the MT 38 times in 50 days and help raise money for the local Surf lifesaving Clubs, Great cause, Huge effort finding the time let alone the walk!
Amazing challenge for a great cause and its so good for me as well!
We challenge you to challenge yourself and climb Mauao 38 times over 50 days while raising money for our 3 local surf clubs.
Thank you for the donation, I have completed 10 km today. Feeling really energetic!, see you next Monday :-)
Thank you Kristy This is very special as I know how poor uni students are! xox
Thanks James! Always ready for a Vino maybe we should plan one for the top of the MT! I am still waiting for you and Sandy to join me on a trek!
Thanks so much, it has just been a challenge fitting this around work but has certainly been worth the effort.