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Recycled René Rides across Australia.

  • Last two days.

      4 September 2024
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    My finish line has been a long way from me at the start. As I have two days to go I thought it was only fair enough that I push the Givealittle finish line out a bit further.

    A huge thank you to all the amazing donors who have contributed. You will make a difference to some child’s life just like I did when I spent time in Cholmondeley as a child.

    I learnt to dream big, nobody can take those dreams away from you, they are yours forever. Those dreams lead to big goals and doing amazing things in life. So thank you again. René.

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  • Givealittle is going well. I’m going well!

      29 August 2024

    Hi fantastic donors. I have raised the total for the final 8 days of riding for me.

    Thank you everyone from the bottom of my heart even on the hard days when I thought it may stop beating! Love you all René.

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  • Great progress for me and Givealittle.

      29 August 2024
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    Hi Everyone. Day 28 yesterday and 3000 kilometres done, averaging 100 k’s a day without a day off. It certainly has been very challenging at times with the never ending wind and distance between services. I’m currently in Kingston South Australia not far from the Victorian Border and yesterday was the last big stretch between Towns!

    My body has been good but towards the end of a hard day those last few kilometres certainly take some effort mentally and physically.

    Thank you all so much for supporting myself and the cause Cholmondeley Children’s Centre.


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  • 1000 ks Done.

      11 August 2024
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    Hi everyone. 10 days since I started and I have done just over a 1000 ks, quarter of the way! Everything has gone well. Up to yesterday the wind gods have been looking after me. Had a bad day yesterday with blustery side/headwinds. Makes for fun trying not to get blown to center of road when Road Trains are passing. Just finished the longest straight road in Australia yesterday, 146 kms!

    I’m enjoying camping out but have to watch water supplies as you can’t turn on a tap out here. You have to buy it.

    Please share the cause with family and friends.

    For following go to Recycled René facebook or instagram.

    Tracker link is at top of page.

    Cheers René.

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  • New Target.

      11 August 2024

    Hi everyone. As so many generous people have donated I have revised my target. Thank you everyone. From just over 1000 ks in on the Nullarbor. René.

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  • Amazing Support.

      31 July 2024

    Hi everyone. I cannot believe the amount of support I’ve had prior to starting the ride. $9000 wow! Thank you so much.

    I arrived in Perth on Monday and today traveled to just south of Bunbury. This afternoon in between rain showers and predicted thunderstorms I went down to the beach and started with a short ride back to my accommodation in Boyanup. So tomorrow I will head off.

    My tracker has now been switched on. You can follow here. Suggest you view in satellite mode.

    Thank you everyone till next time. René

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    • 01/08/2024 by Graham & Linda

      Good Luck Ren’e - travel safe - we will be following your amazing ride as have travelled the road with caravans many times and even played that longest golf course - but not a bike 🚴‍♂️🚴‍♂️🚴‍♂️🚴‍♂️😅🙏 Linda & G Day