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Ride 2 THINK!

$2,370 donated
Given by 37 generous donors in 9 weeks

Charity tandem bike ride the length of New Zealand from Cape Reinga to Bluff. 2 people 1 bike, 2 Islands 1 country, 2 stories 1 goal.


Hey there,

welcome to our page 'Ride 2 Think'.

We are Josh and Maggie, a couple from Morrinsville who want to travel the whole length of the country, right from the top of Cape Reinga, down to the Bottom, to Bluff. We won't be doing it by car though, we'll be pedalling on one pushbike. Yes, only one, a tandem bike!

Also we won't be followed by any supporting vehicle.

It is going to be just us, one bike and a 3000km long track.

But we are not just doing it for fun, we want to reach all you people with one important message: THINK!

'THINK! The Head Injury Network for Kiwis' is a charity located in hamilton which assists people suffering from a head injury, by providing information education and advocacy support. Their biggest part though is to prevent an injury from happening by raising awareness in the community.

For more information about THINK! please just pop onto their website:

Find out about interesting stories about head injuries and why it is so important to look after your brain.

Josh Barker's involvement (page creator)

I am involved with THINK because I believe it is so important to wear a helmet while riding, I have myself had many falls off of horses and a number of them I was lucky that I was wearing a helmet, in one case you could even see the imprint of my horses hoof on my helmet. It doesn't matter if you ride horses, a bike, ski or just a kid on a scooter its vital that you wear a helmet.

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Latest donations

Anthony on 19 May 2016
Great stuff Josh. What an adventure. Gutted we weren't home when you went through taihape.
Meikle Family
Meikle Family on 18 May 2016
M&B on 18 May 2016
Well done.
Sue Lucas
Sue Lucas on 17 May 2016
Well done you two. Remarkable achievement & for a great cause.
Rosie Commons
Rosie Commons on 17 May 2016
Good job guys!! :)

Who's involved?

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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 17 Mar 2016 and ended on 20 May 2016.