Righting a Wrong - Cruelty at its worst.

$250 of $5,000 goal
Given by 3 generous donors in 4 weeks

Raising money for food and vet care for ten horses left to starve - Help save their lives and show them the kindness they deserve.


Kaimanawa Heritage Horses Welfare Society has just had ten horses come into their care who are in the worst condition imaginable for an animal. Why some people can be so cruel is unimaginable.

I am hoping to raise awareness of their need for urgent help to get these babies back to health and to show them the kindness they deserve. They have a long road to recovery ahead of them but they have a team of people fighting alongside them. Now they just need the food and money to pay for the growing vet bills to do it.

These horses did not deserve to be left to get to this condition and these are the worst horses I have seen for a very long time. They do deserve to be given a chance at life though and they are showing their willingness to fight for their survival. I can only hope they continue to improve.

Sue Rivers' involvement (page creator)

KHH have just had ten horses come into their care who are in the worst condition imaginable for an animal. I am hoping to raise awareness to their need for urgent help to get these babies back to health and to show them the kindness they deserve.

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Latest donations

Janak on 28 Sep 2020
Mariska on 17 Sep 2020
Lynaire on 17 Sep 2020

Who's involved?

Sue Rivers's avatar
Created by Sue Rivers
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 16 Sep 2020 and ended on 16 Oct 2020.