Rochester and Runner-ford Take On Run72

$1,660 of $2,500 goal
Given by 41 generous donors in 11 days

Fundraising for Run72


At R&R Hall, we want to do our bit to support the legends at Lads Without Labels during Run72. Our students will lace up their shoes and hit the ground running to support mental health. Our goal is to raise $2500 during this event, where $150 raised will allow another student to sit down with a trained counselor. Over the course of the 72 hours, we aim to collectively run the length of the country (1,989km).

Run72 is an annual community event to raise funds and awareness for men’s mental health. During the event, University of Canterbury students and members of the Christchurch community take to the pavement around UC to run for 72 hours, ensuring that there is always at least one person running. This extraordinary effort was designed to draw attention to the fact that men made up 72% of suicides in New Zealand.

Since the start of Run72 in 2021, this statistic has risen to 76%, a clear sign that male suicide deserves more attention this year than ever before. This year, runners will be lapping the course from 4 pm on Tuesday the 19th of September to 4 pm on Friday the 22nd.

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Latest donations

Catherine on 29 Sep 2023
Great effort
Sarah on 25 Sep 2023
Sandberg family
Sandberg family on 23 Sep 2023
Rolleston Haircuts
Rolleston Haircuts on 23 Sep 2023
Petersen family
Petersen family on 23 Sep 2023
Great effort R&R!

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Run72's avatar
Paying to Run72
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This campaign started on 19 Sep 2023 and ended on 30 Sep 2023.