
$36,855 of $31,200 goal
Given by 766 generous donors in 4 weeks

Run72 is an annual community event to raise funds and raise awareness for men’s mental health and mens suicide rates in New Zealand.

Ilam, Christchurch

Run72 is an annual community event to raise funds and awareness for men’s mental health. During the event, University of Canterbury students and members of the Christchurch community take to the pavement around UC to run for 72 hours, ensuring that there is always at least one person running. This extraordinary effort was designed to draw attention to the fact that men made up 72% of suicides in New Zealand. Since the start of Run72 in 2021, this statistic has risen to 76%, a clear sign that male suicide deserves more attention this year than ever before. This year, runners will be lapping the course from 4pm on Tuesday the 19th of September to 4pm on Friday the 22nd.

Lads Without Labels is a by students, for students organisation seeking to improve mental health, with a particular focus on de-stigmatising the conversation for men. Run72 provides a platform to make the impact we need to see by creating an environment that promotes community, camaraderie and real conversation. Everyone can contribute, whether that be by completing a lap, running a marathon or donating a few dollars.

Lads Without Labels believes that through community, raising awareness, education and direct support, we have the power to create significant improvements to the state of mental health in Aotearoa. We invite all the engagement and enthusiasm that our community has to offer. Join us at Run72.

About us

Lads Without Labels is a not-for-profit charity dedicated to improving men’s mental health in and around the University of Canterbury. Men's mental health is a profound issue our community faces, and today, Lads Without Labels sets the motion for change

Use of funds

Funds raised will contribute to the Lads Without Labels Counselling Initiative which offers an alternative free counselling option initially available to UC students. Every $150 raised is a one hour session with a professional counsellor.

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Latest update

Goal Update!  21 September 2023

With such amazing support from the community we’ve upgraded our goal to $31,200 which seems like a weird number but is enough to have 4 counselling sessions a week for a whole year, with a grand total of 208 hours of counselling! Thanks for all the support thus far and if you’re in Chch come down for a lap and a yarn with the exec!

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Latest donations

pat on 30 Sep 2023
welldone everyone ! x
Sir Douglas
Sir Douglas on 29 Sep 2023
Well done Henry
Catherine on 29 Sep 2023    Rochester and Runner-ford Take On Run72
Great effort
Michelle on 29 Sep 2023
Worthy cause Henry
Lisa and Nico
Lisa and Nico on 29 Sep 2023
Go Ryan!!!

Who's involved?

Lads Without Labels's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Lads Without Labels (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 30 Aug 2023 and ended on 30 Sep 2023.