Fundraising for Parkinson's New Zealand
I'm Moth, and one of the most boring facts about me is I’m an ultrarunner. My Nana Toot Toot was, amongst many other things, a runner too. And a much better and faster one than me at that!
My nana, Ruth, was diagnosed with PD in 2006 and lived with, managed, and battled PD and her symptoms for 18 years before she passed in June 2023. Doing the math, she lived with PD for at least 6,574 days.
I’ll be running 657.4km, totalling running at least 21.9km every day. Nana never, ever, let anything slow her down, and I’m going to embody that and try be half as strong as her as I embark on this challenge.
This November I’ll be Getting Going for Parkinson’s and putting that running to use as I fundraise for Parkinson’s New Zealand for those who are living with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) and raising valuable funds to support the services and people doing the mahi supporting those like my nana and family to live positively with PD. PD is the fastest growing neurological condition in the world, and 12,000 New Zealanders live with PD. Symptoms vary for everyone, and with time, but commonly include tremors, stiffness, slowing movements and losing balance or coordination, impacts on communication and psychologically.
This is for you nana, I miss you everyday but know you’ll be there next to me every step of the way. Hope you’re dancing, singing to ABBA with a twinkle in your eye, and continue to feel all our love for I still carry all of yours.
Hope y'all enjoy being part of this adventure.
657.4km - crossing the finish line <3 1 December 2023
With 5min left of November at 11.55pm yesterday I finished the final kilometre! Something that seemed impossible a few weeks ago, and which has been the hardest, best, special, most rewarding and silly thing I’ve ever set out to do. 30 days and 30 half marathons. Some days the overall distance got a bit quirky around cricket mahi, but ran everyday and completed the 657.4km. Totalling 42 runs, and nearly 97 hours. Yesterday we also passed the $2,000 raised mark, and that’s so wildly humbling.
The number 6574 was the driving factor behind how and why this became days measured in half marathons, as those are the days my nana lived positively with, and managed, PD. So positively; she had her ‘Parky days’ and when things were harder, especially in the last few years, but she never stopped and kept being the incredible woman that was Ruth Sutherland, Nana Toot Toot. Her love, ABBA Gold, and knowing the good this money raised can do has powered me through the hardest parts of this month. It’s hard to not be positive if trying to do something for nana!
I don’t think it’s quite sunk in what’s been achieved but the biggest thank you to everyone who has donated or read more about PD or about this journey. The page stays open for another 6 weeks if people still want to be involved and donate, or learn a bit more.
As I ran down the hill to home last night listening to Boney M. I knew she'd be smiling, for we all do when we think of her. Love you nana, this will forever be for you x
Thank you so much Jasmine - any value is very much appreciated and this is no different <3 :)
Thanks so very much Jo! <3
Thanks so much Brooke :)
Thank you so much Aunty Jenni, love ya <3