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Running Across The Sahara for Melanoma NZ

  • Time to rest and recover

      11 October 2021
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    That was an epic adventure , test of resilience both physically and mentally. Thank you so much for all your donations and messages of support.

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  • Final words

      1 October 2021
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    Some final words !

    Motivation gets you so far, however dedication is so important . So my twist on dedication is about me dedicating a day at the MdS to people or persons that have been part of the journey with me.That’s what will help me through .Don’t get me wrong I am still hugely motivated to do this , but by dedicating a day to those that have been part of my journey will give that day more meaning and bring me great personal joy.

    Now before we go any further , I haven’t mentioned everyone but the chances are if you are reading this you can see which day is dedicated to you.

    Day 1 is dedicated to my awesome whanau at Nose2tail Doggy Daycare - Amy, Conny, Gabby,Joanne , Stevie, Hazel & Erika. Also all the dogs and their owners. Without you I wouldn’t have been able to do this !

    Day 2 is dedicated to all you lovely people that have donated to Melanoma NZ by attending the film fundraiser way back in Feb 2020 or by direct donation. I think we are up to $6K.

    Day 3 I am dedicating to my tribe,my whanau, we don’t need to be related to be family it is about connection on so many different levels Wherever you may be in NZ,Scotland,England,Ireland Australia & Canada. I will also be remembering those that are no longer with us including my Auntie Lyn ,Tracey W plus my nana and gramps.

    The Double Day

    This is dedicated to my tight team that have helped me physically, mentally and spiritually. You will be so glad that I am finally doing this !!! We have had a rollercoaster of a journey.Steve,Lisa, Neil & Lisa T, Mackenzie, Dr Nick,Mark &Joanne Martin & Elizabeth. Last but not least my biggest supporter Fran (& Snowy)

    Day 6 is dedicated to all my running friends at Running Hot, Zeenya’s, Wild Things, Go Run Girls, Strava and Run Hazel Run - for the banter, aroha, support and accountability.

    Day 7

    The last day is dedicated to me ! Enough said !!

    October 3rd is day one !

    Send me messages ! Website will have a link- remember from 2nd October

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  • Parisian Trot

      30 September 2021
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    Only 2 more sleeps until I leave Paris for Morocco. Finally managed to shake off the feeling of discombobulation that comes with jet lag. I had a trot around the neighbourhood near my hotel. The sole purpose was to stretch the legs.

    Thank you so much for all the amazing donations and please follow me on Run Hazel Run Facebook page.

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  • Travelling Light

      28 September 2021
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    Sat in Paris sorting all my kit out .. being ruthless as I have to carry it all

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  • In Paris

      28 September 2021

    Well traveling during a global pandemic adds another layer of logistic complexities, but I have made it to Paris. I have 4 days here until I fly to Morocco 🇲🇦 to continue this epic adventure.

    More updates to come !1

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  • 74 days to go

      18 July 2021
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    Yesterday the weather here in Wellington NZ was pretty brutal and I made a difficult decision not to run in an event. The benefits didn’t quite stack up against the risks. Winds with 140kph gusts and torrential rain, could quite easily result in a trip and fall. With only 11 weeks training left before the MdS I decided that the best think to do was to have a rest and recovery day. This consisted of watching movies and eating popcorn… now to the next 11 weeks of hard graft . Thank you for all your donations and don’t forget to share the link 🌈❤️

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