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Running for families in Gaza

on 22 May 2024

Mike asks

Kia ora Colleen, it's Hannah here from ReliefAid. Thank you so much for setting up a fundraiser to help families and children in Gaza. Your determination and motivation for running such a distance brings us hope and we will share your story with our team in Gaza. Our team send us photos from their work, there are so many beautiful pictures of children who come to our aid distributions. Would you like us to send you any information or images to help your fundraising? Also, we would love to share your story, would you be happy for us to share it on social media? My email address is - it may be easier to contact me by email. Alternatively, my phone number is +64274100630. It's not a problem if you would prefer not to share your story or use our photos. Whatever you decide we are touched by your generosity and compassion. Thank you from all of us at ReliefAid, Hannah.

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