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Running for families in Gaza

  • Thank you!

      24 June 2024

    Kia ora legends,

    Today I reached day 30 and the 300th kilometre.

    These past weeks have been tough! With sore legs and hips, sickness and fatigue, as well as the mental toll of witnessing a war against the Palestinian people unfold.

    Like many others, I have felt incredibly helpless not being able to bring an end to their immense suffering, and feeling like we are worlds apart. But through your incredible support, we are showing Palestinians that we care and that we stand with them in solidarity within our global community.

    Thanks to your kind generosity, the $3,000 donation goal has been passed. And so, with another 46 days and 460kms to go, I have decided that I will increase the goal to $5,000.

    If you know anyone who might like to donate to ReliefAid and help Palestinian families in need, please share with them the Give a Little page.

    Thank you so much again for your support.

    Ngā mihi

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  • Thank you!

      2 June 2024

    Kia ora legends!

    Thank you so much for donating to my Give a Little page to help raise funds for ReliefAid, who are on the ground providing lifesaving humanitarian aid to families in Gaza.

    With your help, my goal of $760 has not only been doubled but has almost tripled! To keep this momentum going, I am increasing my goal to $3000. If you know anyone who might like to donate, please share the link to my Give a Little page.

    Once again, thank you so much for your support!

    Ngā mihi,


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