On August 1st I'll be running my first marathon and I'll be running it in support of The Wish 4 Fish Charitable Trust. Help me help them!
Bay of Plenty
Bay of Plenty's, Wish 4 Fish Charitable Trust truly are being the change they wish to see in the world. Wish 4 Fish have big goals, one big one in particular, and they need help getting there.
Its called PROJECT NOAH and its one of Wish 4 Fish's long term goals. The goal is to raise enough money to purchase a charter fishing vessel, it will then be modified to provide wheelchair access for people with physical and mental disabilities thereby allowing them to partake in saltwater recreational activities and experience the simple pleasures of the ocean.
I'm involved in this fundraiser because an inspiring person asked me to help. How could I say no to someone like Bryce who has already helped and inspired so many people.