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'Saddle Sore 1600' - For Aran Animal Rescue (SS1600)

  • We’re at it again.

      8 February 2018

    Hi. We’re at it again, fundraising for Aran this year, in 16 days we’ll be riding 2,414kms in 36hours.

    You’re being sent this email as you were generous enough to support us last year and I’m hopeful that you might back us on our ride again this year.

    The new fundraising page for 2018’s effort is here:

    Last year we raised $2100 for Aran, my target this year is $2,414 ($1/km again) and I’ve got a fair way to go; we’re at just over $400 currently.

    If you can spare a few more dollars this year for Aran then please take a look at the info on the page - it’s quite a different ride this time. :)

    Thanks again, regards,


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  • All done and dusted. Thank you for your support.

      8 March 2017

    Hi. I really hope that you're all already aware that we've completed our ride successfully? We made it back in to Warkworth at 1:30am yesterday morning after 1634km over 22hrs.

    It was a massive ride which went very smoothly. No major hickups or incidents at all. We pushed a reasonable number of updates out through our Facebook channels so I'm hopeful that you felt 'connected' to us throughout our ride? We had live tracking which ran flawlessly throughout and a few of our supporters and friends were pushing updates out into our Facebook event page as we rode. :)

    Together, we've managed to raise over $2000 for Aran through GiveALittle which in itself is a massive achievement too! So thank you all very very much for your support and donations. I was thinking hard about them all when I hit about 1100km. Things were going well, but I was sore- and it really helped to make it all feel very worthwhile. :)

    I'll need a week or more to put a little video together for you all. So watch out for it.



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  • Planning update.

      2 March 2017
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    Planning and prep continues. We're getting close now. As far as we can tell right now, Monday looks to be ideal weather, no rain, with some cloudy patches throughout the North Island. It's still in the long range forecast, so who knows, but I'm hopeful.

    I've completed an extract of our route planning now, with detailed timings of our arrival and departure times of each of our fuel stops, and some other intermediate waypoints.

    If you've not already gone over to Facebook and registered 'interest' in the Saddle Sore Event, please do; this is where the live updates will be sent through to during the ride. I can't update GiveALittle as easily.

    Here's another link, you may need to copy / paste it as I can't make it an active link through GiveALittle (sorry).

    My plan is to post quick updates at each of the fuel stops, they'll be brief, but I hope to give you arrival times etc and some comments as we go.

    Live tracking of our progress can be viewed online here: - this is a map based view, showing our real-time position. The only time this won't update is when we're out of cell reception, so please DO NOT PANIC if you don't see the dot moving, that's the most likely reason!! :)

    I should have some further progress with my lights tonight; they are mounted with the wiring harness run through the frame etc; and it's been tested too; it just needs to be connected to the battery now that it's been laid in place. - Tonight I hope to be able to go for a ride at night to check that they're pointing in a useful direction. :)

    More from me soon.

    Thanks again for your support. Aran are blown away with what we've managed to achieve for them. Well done, and thank you! :)


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  • We have hit our target!!

      27 February 2017

    We have done it! We've hit the fundraising target of $1/km. $1,600 through give a little. That's over $1,500 direct to Aran once the give a little fees are removed. I'm sure that this will go a long way as the wonderful ladies at Aran really do make the most of everything which they are given. :)

    Thank you all so much for your support.

    Now for my part, I will do my very best to make you all proud and deliver on my part. Your support means the world and will be sure to egg me on when things get rough. Thank you.

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  • Date of our ride has been shifted... To Monday, 6th March.

      20 February 2017

    We’ve got a change to our primary, planned date now. – We’re shifting it – essentially using our planned rain date as our primary. This is for a couple of reasons, butt the primary reason is that Jon has already got a saddle sore. – Without going into too many details about his sore, let’s just say that he’s recovering from an injury which is making sitting for prolonged periods of time difficult. He had hoped it would have healed and recovered by now and it’s showing good signs of getting better by the day, but he needs the additional two weeks between our planned date and our initial rain date for some further recovery.

    I’ve considered all of my options, and bearing in mind how enthusiastic Jon is about doing this ride, and also the difference it will make having someone like Jon to do this with; I am more than happy to put this back by a couple of weeks. Our new planned date for the ride is Monday, 6th March @ 3:30am, leaving the BP Connect in Warkworth.

    I’m a firm believer that to make these things work, you’ve got to remain flexible and practical, and so this is a relatively small change in plan.

    We’ll be putting the additional two weeks to good use; I’m planning on fitting some Auxiliary lights (bright CREE LED, 18W spots, x2 per bike) to ease the riding during the dark, we’re getting some fresh tyres put onto the R6, and Jon’s planning on having the R6 for a week’s worth of general riding before it all kicks off.

    I’ve recently been doing work on the GPS based route planning. We’re aiming to use two Garmin Oregon GPS units for this; ones which are waterproof and can sit, mounted on the bike’s yoke. I’ve been struggling with the ‘routable maps’ on these units and I had a major breakthrough with these last night with a new version of NZ OSM Maps, freshly downloaded and added into BaseCamp and onto the devices. – I need to add these to the older of the two GPS units too and make sure it works as well as my primary one does.

    Fundraising continues to go well. Thank you very much to everyone who has supported us so far. We’ve raised ~$1,333 of our $1,600 target to-date.

    I’m hopeful that the additional two weeks which we’ve got now will also help us to hit that target before we do the ride.  - Jon has decided that embarking on his own fundraising effort is too difficult, so if you were considering sponsoring us both, or were waiting for him to get his ‘*arse into gear*’, then perhaps don’t wait any longer, just sponsor me instead. :)

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  • Detailed route planning - almost done.

      7 February 2017

    Hi, the viewable version of our route planning, along with km milestone markers at the fuel stops, timing details of arrivals and dept and layover periods has been completed.

    I can't put a proper link in here, but try to copy / paste this into your browser:

    :) 1628km in total.

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  • Final bike preparations underway...

      6 February 2017

    Here's a video update...

    Be sure to follow the Facebook link to the event page and subscribe to it, live feeds etc will be coming from there. :)

    Thanks for your support!

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  • Preparations continue.

      31 January 2017

    There have been numerous updates to my bike recently which have been best outlined on the event page on facebook here:

    It's a public page so you don't need a Facebook account to see it. :)

    Thank you for your support. We're thrilled to have broken through the $1k mark in donations for Aran. Thank you.

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  • $1k Milestone has been reached!

      27 January 2017

    Together we have achieved a major milestone this morning! :) - We have just surpassed the $1k donated to this fundraising effort! - Thank you very very much to everyone who has been so generous for the Aran Animal Rescue cause. Your support and encouragement is very much appreciated. :)

    All the best, Chris.

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  • Major sponsor has come on board - Enigma Solutions

      25 January 2017
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    My thanks go out to Enigma Solutions, who have generously offered to provide coverage for the fuel costs involved in my SS1600 ride! In addition to this, they have very kindly offered to sponsor the fundraising efforts a further $250.

    Thank you Enigma!!

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  • Interviewed by the Local Mahurangi Matters..

      25 January 2017

    I was interviewed today by the local community paper with an article expected in the 15th Feb publication. Keep your eyes peeled for that if you're local. :)

    Most of my updates are going onto the Facebook page, so be sure to check it out and sign up to the event.

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  • Facebook event created for live streaming

      18 January 2017

    Hi. We've got a Facebook event page together:

    If this doesn't 'link' for you then click on the 'on Facebook' text / icon on the main event page which will take you to the same place. :) (Not to be confused with the Facebook (Share) link which is the bigger one...

    We'll be using this for live streaming some of the ride and some special events during our mammoth effort. So if you've been kind enough to sponsor us then please also log a 'will attend' in the Facebook event so that you can access that content. :)

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  • Fitted my riser clipon handle bars...

      18 January 2017
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    In prep for the big ride I fitted my clip on riser handle bars to make the riding position more suitable for distance riding. Here's a quick before and after shot. :)

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