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Help us Keep Ethnic Women Safe

$3,883 of $5,000 goal
Given by 14 generous donors in 11 days

Help Shama empower ethnic women to stop violence through Power to Change Workshops


Shama Ethnic Women’s Trust is a vibrant social service agency providing support, advocacy, and programmes to empower all ethnic women, their children and their families. Our Vision is for all ethnic women in New Zealand to achieve their aspiration as Mana Waahine, to be respected and welcomed into their communities and the wider community, free from fear, prejudice and violence.

Many ethnic women have limited knowledge of systems, processes, and services in Aotearoa and are not well acquainted with New Zealand laws and culture when they arrive as new migrants or refugees.

Power to Change is a series of workshops that teaches ethnic women how to stop family violence in our communities. In the sessions, we build awareness of our rights as women in Aotearoa, explain how the New Zealand legal system works, introduce support systems and develop skills and strategies, so that ethnic women stay safe and protected.

However, barriers like transportation, language and child-minding support prevent them from accessing the programme. We want to continue making this programme accessible and free for all ethnic women who want to learn about how to make our communities and families safe.

For the next 12 days, we are crowdfunding to cover the costs of running the Power to Change workshops. Make a donation today!

Shama Ethnic Women's Trust's involvement (page creator)

Shama aims to support the development of a multicultural New Zealand where all iethnic women would be fully integrated into society, live with dignity, free from fear of violence and discrimination, and be recognised as part of their local communities.

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 12 May 2023
Keep thriving and making an impactful positive lasting difference! Team at SHAMA are remarkable! Keep at it!👏👏🌸
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 12 May 2023
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 12 May 2023
Superpower Hour
Superpower Hour on 12 May 2023
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 12 May 2023
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
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This campaign started on 1 May 2023 and ended on 12 May 2023.