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Save Heritage Trees in Christchurch

$6,125 of $12,500 goal
Given by 56 generous donors in around 6 months

Christchurch's most special trees are still under threat. Help us save them.


We thought we had saved Christchurch's heritage and notable trees, but emergency powers have been used to reopen the planning process, and the City Council have abandoned the committments they made in round one of this fight.

We are back to square one and need your help to make sure that Christchurch's most significant and valuable trees continue to have the protection they deserve.

Notable Trees Campaign's involvement (page creator)

We are a group of citizens who care about the trees of Christchurch. All donations go to the Christchurch civic charitable trust and will be used to pay expert and legal expenses. No one involved in the campaign will recieve any payment from funds donated.

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Latest update

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The Decision Is Out -- & We've Kept 80% of the Trees!  13 November 2016

You may also have received this update via the old Give A Little page, but the Independent Hearing Panel's decision on Trees is out and overall we've had some significant wins.

The key elements of the IHP's decision are as follows:

1) Our Mediated Agreement with the Christchurch City Council has been upheld, with 80% of the original 1623 trees on private land remaining on the Christchurch Plan schedule;

2) The Panel has also directed that the 724 listed trees on public land be returned to the Plan; and

3) The new Plan still contains a suite of provisions (objective, policies and rules) that continue to provide recognition and some protection for scheduled trees.

Overall, although we have lost some very good trees and still retain misgivings for the future (particularly given the culture within Council that proposed so drastic a reduction (ca. 84%) of the Heritage and Notable tree schedule in the first place) we believe this is a very good result for the Christchurch community and the landscape character of our city.

As always in such circumstances it has not been without cost, in terms of both time and money. To date the joined submitters have incurred actual costs of $80,865 -- a huge sum for a small group of private individuals, professional associations, and not-for-profit community groups.

We still have a residual debt of $9700 for which money must still be raised. For this reason, the Give A Little still remains open at:

As we have indicated several items previously, however, we absolutely could not have done it without your financial and moral support, which has been critical. So please accept a huge thank you -- your contribution really has made a difference.

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Rick J
Rick J on 24 Jan 2017
Good on you guys, you are an inspiration!! Kiaora
Jeremy Barrell
Jeremy Barrell on 10 Jan 2017
Keep up the good work. Special trees are under threat around the world and you have our thoughts and support for your excellent efforts from here in the UK.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 05 Dec 2016
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 28 Nov 2016
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 28 Nov 2016

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Paying to the verified bank account associated with Christchurch Civic Trust (Charity)
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This campaign started on 31 Jul 2016 and ended on 31 Jan 2017.