Shave for Life Matters

$3,526 donated
Given by 69 generous donors in 11 weeks

Fundraising for Life Matters Suicide Prevention Trust

Dunedin, Otago

Shave day 22nd April!

We are 5 young people who have all had our own struggles with mental health. When Briar said she wanted to shave her head for a cause we couldn't think of anything better that united us all than doing something for mental health so Life Matters was the perfect charity to raise money for. We all wanted to do something meaningful to help our community, and this is a great opportunity to provide support and awareness for those suffering with mental illness. We are well aware that often people are suffering alone and in silence, so we wanted to do something loud and obvious to help bring mental health into the spot light and get people talking.

Mental illness is invisible, shaved heads aren't.

See our own personal stories in the updates.

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Grace's Story  11 May 2022

Grace: I’m 22 and currently studying to be a Vet Nurse!

Mental Health has been something I have struggled with for a while now and It took me a long time to come to terms with. It was in my later high school years where I found myself spiralling into my depression and didn’t know where to go or what to do. When I finally reached out for help, with the support from my close friends, It was honestly a lifeline and I’d be lying if I said it was an easy ride after that. A few years later, I began noticing anxiety creeping in. I still today go through the highs and the low lows that depression and anxiety throw at me and is an on-going personal battle. I find talking to others and relating our own experiences so important cause mental health can honestly be so isolating.

I know of many people that have taken their own lives because of mental health. Hearing the news that another familiar face or name have lost their battle to this never gets easier. And is why I am wanting to raise money for Life Matters. Mental health is a huge issue and we need to talk about it. So when people ask why I shaved my hair, It is a perfect conversation starter which can sometimes be the talk they need to make it through the day.

I wouldn’t be doing this if it weren’t for the five guys that started this. They are all such amazing friends of mine and am so proud of them. These guys have helped me get through some of my darkest days so to honour them, I will join them in this shave.

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Lara on 10 Jun 2022
Amazing human beans. Love and miss you all
David on 12 May 2022
Binczik on 12 May 2022
Well done Sam xx
Chenoa on 12 May 2022
Louise on 12 May 2022

Who's involved?

Briar, Kat, Georgia, Caleb, Shamilka's avatar
Created by Briar, Kat, Georgia, Caleb, Shamilka (Group)
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 23 Mar 2022 and ended on 14 Jun 2022.