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New Year's Day New Year's Shave 2020

$330 donated
Given by 9 generous donors in 7 days

Leukaemia & Blood Cancer NZ supported us, and I'm asking you (through this tenuously related beard shaving stunt) to support them.


Blood cancer has been a part of my family's life for the best part of the last decade. Right now we're in sweet, sweet remission. But I know that could change any time. And I know that many other people are not so lucky.

Leukaemia & Blood Cancer NZ supported us, and support so many other patients (and by extension their families) and so I support Leukaemia & Blood Cancer NZ.

When my partner last had a relapse and went into treatment, I started growing my beard. I can't really explain what the connection was, but it was a conscious decision and it made sense at the time. In my mind I was going t shave it off as soon as the treatments finished, but I didn't. But now finally it's just time. So on New Year's Day the beard is a goner. And any excuse to support Leukaemia & Blood Cancer NZ, no matter how tenuous, is a good one in my books.

Morgan Avery's involvement (page creator)

A member of my family has been living with and surviving a blood cancer for many years.

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Latest donations

David L
David L on 01 Jan 2020
I want it to be gone
Faith&James on 01 Jan 2020
Nigel & Anneliese
Nigel & Anneliese on 31 Dec 2019
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 31 Dec 2019
Matt & Catherine
Matt & Catherine on 31 Dec 2019

Who's involved?

Morgan Avery's avatar
Created by Morgan Avery
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This campaign started on 30 Dec 2019 and ended on 6 Jan 2020.