Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand

Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand

Six Kiwis are diagnosed with blood cancer everyday. LBC provides vital support & funds life-saving cancer research to help them get through.


Leukaemia is the most come cancer to affect children - but blood cancer can strike people at any age with more than 21,000 Kiwis living with blood cancer across the country.

Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand (LBC) is dedicated to helping them get through.

Whether it’s providing financial help to struggling families, in-depth information on specific diseases, or visiting patients at home or in hospital, LBCs mission is to ensure every person affected by blood cancer has a place to turn for the crucial support they need.

We're also dedicated to funding cancer research so that one day all Kiwis will have access to cancer treatments that are so smart and targeted, that every patient will have the opportunity to defeat their cancer.

LBC’s essential patient services and life-saving cancer research are not funded by the Government but directly by you, and the thousands of other warm-hearted Kiwis like you, who choose to help. Thank you.

More about us

Today seven Kiwis will be diagnosed with blood cancer - Leukaemia & Blood Cancer NZ is dedicated to helping them get through.

We're providing essential care and support to patients and families and funding life-saving cancer research to find better treatments and cures.

We are not a government organisation and rely on the generosity of our donors for fundraising.

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Latest update

COVID-19 Emergency Appeal  24 April 2020

In light of COVID-19, the team here at LBC have been working round-the-clock to change the way we deliver essential services to ensure we can continue to support blood cancer patients and families safely.

Life-saving treatments like chemotherapy are continuing and we’re ramping up support for patients and families.

We’re increasing the help we give to the most vulnerable patients by keeping in close contact by phone, text and online.

We’re providing emergency financial support

to people who are really struggling with the basics like nutritious food, help with transport to treatments and parking costs at hospital.

We’ve helped blood cancer patients get access to preferential grocery shopping delivery services.

We’ve moved support groups online, and are running regular Q & A sessions for patients with haematologists and other health specialists.

If you, or someone you know, need support please call 0800 15 10 15 or email info@leukaemia.org.nz – we’re here to help.

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Latest donations

Mummy on 18 Jul 2024    Elliot’s Cool Kids Kilometre
Super Proud of you
Donors’ tax credits TaxGifted
Donors’ tax credits TaxGifted on 27 Jun 2024
This donation is from generous donors who opted in to regift their tax credits via TaxGift. Aren’t they awesome!
Much love brotha, Emz_NZ
mando_grogu11ttv on 23 Mar 2024    Small streamer trying to make a small difference
Havent enough to give more this week, im broke sorry but love from mando_grogu11ttv

Who's involved?

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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