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Shaving my hair for cancer!

$1,025 of $1,000 goal
Given by 26 generous donors in around 3 months

Help me fundraise for research and awareness for ovarian and lung cancer.

Bay of Plenty

Hi all my name is Keta, I am a 27yr old wife and mum of two.

I am wanting to fundraise for two organizations that sit very close to my heart and have left a very significant impact on my perspective on cancer and the way it effects those so dear to us. I have spent 8 years growing my hair from a short pixie cut and love my hair but to support my friends and wider community i am willing to shave it all off to fundraise funds to put towards research and awareness raising. These cancers are Ovarian cancer and Lung cancer.

Upon meeting my husband and his family i got the privilege to meet my mother in law beth, whom is one of the most giving and supportive people i have ever met.

Beth will be first to cut off my ponytail to represent ovarian cancer, as i am partly shaving for her. Thank you beth for everything you do!

And secondly to represent lung cancer my father will be shaving the final remenents of my hair on behalf of my gran, his mum who lost her battle this year to lung cancer, i miss my gran dearly and hope she is enjoying a bourbon and coke with grandad where ever she went.

Please help me in support of my Wonderful family, I will appreciate every donation made no matter how big or small!

Thank you!

Keta Davis' involvement (page creator)

I want spread more awareness and show my support to three of my very dear family members and fellow new zealanders fighting/who lost their battle from these cancers.

Latest update

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Thank you for the support ❤️  1 March 2021

I did it, and i couldn't have without your help ❤️❤️

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Latest donations

Wendy on 28 Feb 2021
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 27 Feb 2021
Help ya reach your goal ❤️, all the best ❤️❤️❤️
Keta Davis

Thank you 😊❤️

Keta Davis
Stacey on 27 Feb 2021
Keta Davis

Thank you Stacey 💕

Keta Davis
Mindy on 26 Feb 2021
So proud of you Keta ❤️
Keta Davis

Awww thank you soo much xx

Keta Davis
Leith on 24 Feb 2021
Keta Davis

Thank you dad 😃🥰❤️👨‍👧

Keta Davis

Who's involved?

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Created by Keta Davis
Donations to this page will be split evenly between 2 payees:
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Donations of over $10 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 29 Nov 2020 and ended on 28 Feb 2021.