Cure Our Ovarian Cancer - NZ Purposes Fund

Cure Our Ovarian Cancer - NZ Purposes Fund

Helping women with ovarian cancer live better, longer lives


Help us make a difference and support our mission of ending deaths and supporting people with ovarian cancer.

Ovarian cancer is the biggest unspoken health crisis in New Zealand

It’s our least survivable women’s cancer - killing more women than our road toll. It’s disproportionately under funded, under researched and under talked about.

Your support helps us bring it out of the shadows - to diagnose women quicker, support women through the disease and ultimately find a cure.

Ovarian cancer isn’t a “one issue” problem. It requires a multi-dimensional approach. Our tools include public awareness campaigns, medical education, support groups, information guides, advocacy and research. Evidence based practice underlies everything we do.

We don’t receive any government funding. Your support is key to improving the lives of hundreds of wahine diagnosed with ovarian cancer every year.


Surprising facts about ovarian cancer:

It kills as many women as all of the other gynaecological cancers combined (cervical cancer is third)

Cervical screening does not detect ovarian cancer (but many people think it does)

Until 2000 the medical profession largely believed that ovarian cancer was symptomless (there was no research to support this view - a large study in 2000 showed most women experience symptoms for a prolonged time before their diagnosis)

The NZ government is currently spending billions to improve road safety. Ovarian cancer kills more women. Most years it spends nothing to reduce ovarian cancer's death toll.

According to Te Aho O Te Kahu (the Cancer Control Agency) - ovarian cancer ranks 13th (out of 13 cancers) i.e. last for research funding (yet it’s our 5th most common cause of female cancer death)

Incidence and mortality is higher in Maori and Pacific wahine

More about us

Every day one kiwi woman is diagnosed with ovarian cancer - the least survivable gynaecological cancer. As the only dedicated ovarian cancer charity in Aotearoa our mission is to give every woman with ovarian cancer improved length and quality of life.

We do this by funding transformational research, with the ultimate goal of finding a cure, raising the profile and awareness of ovarian cancer, facilitating support for women with ovarian cancer and leading change by advocating for women.

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Latest donations

Donors’ tax credits TaxGifted
Donors’ tax credits TaxGifted on 30 Jun 2024
This donation is from generous donors who opted in to regift their tax credits via TaxGift. Aren’t they awesome!
Donors’ tax credits TaxGifted
Donors’ tax credits TaxGifted on 27 Jun 2024
This donation is from generous donors who opted in to regift their tax credits via TaxGift. Aren’t they awesome!
DAISUKE on 21 Feb 2024
St Marks
St Mark's School - Run For a Reason

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