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Staffing DTS

$1,975 donated
Given by 7 generous donors in 13 weeks

Fundraising for Dugdale Charitable Trust


I can't express how incredible and absolutely life changing it was doing a DTS! It is a discipleship training school, the first 3 months is lecture phase followed by 2 months of outreach. I came to this school thinking I was going to learn how to help people, but what happened was God said to me, Petra I am doing heart surgery on you. GOD stripped me from so many lies I believed about myself and even on how I viewed God. I was having breakthrough everyday and revelation of Gods love and character. I felt like I was getting to know God for the first time, even though I have been a Christian most of my life. God loves us so deeply and desires to spend time with us! He is limitless and beautiful, incredible and compassionate. He is drawing people to his heart and bringing them into there identity as his children. Revival starts in our hearts and that is what God has done in me. When I felt hopeless he gives me hope, when I feel lost he directs my paths, when I doubt who I am he calls out my identity! We are children of the most high God and he is worthy of it all! The passion that has been set in my heart I cannot contain. I now want to help others step into there identity as sons and daughters.

I have recently helped lead a BDS which stands for builders Dicipleship school. We built a tiny home for people in need. It was absolutely incredible to see God working in the young men's lives!

I feel God has lead me to staff a DTS. We recently had floods in Wellington and I feel this was prophetic for my next coming season and maybe for some of yours too. Floods can destroy the things we heavily rely on like roads and bridges. I feel for me this season of staffing is like there has been a flood that has destroyed the things I rely on and what is left is to fully rely on God for my strength, for finances for wisdom. It is a huge step of faith and out of my comfort zone, but I am glad because that is often when we see Gods glory and his strength.

2 Corinthians 12:9 But he said to me,”My Grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly in my weakness , so that the power of Christ may rest in me.

I am super excited to staff the school and know God has created me for great purposes. He knew us all before creation and has a special purpose for all of us.

Latest update

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Week 9 of staffing  3 October 2021

Hi everyone,

We are on our 9th week of lecture phase! I can't believe how fast time flys. This season has been a season of many tears and lots of laughter. God is really taking me through a time of refining. I'm in the midst of Gods fire where the things that are not of God are coming to the surface and being dealt with. Its defiantly a vulnurable time but also so healing and beautiful.

Prayer is one thing that is really on my heart. God has been challenging me to pray more for the students. I believe that prayer is so important if we are wanting to see breakthrough and healing. Things are birthed through prayer and we should never underestimate the power that prayer has. For one week the leadership team decided to get up extra early and pray for our students for a good 2 hours every morning. That week we saw the most breakthrough and deliverance.

It has been an absolute privilege to see the students grow closer and deeper into a relationship with God, and to see them blossom into there identity as sons and daughters of our heavenly father.

God has been teaching me what it means to be a good leader. A good leader doesn't mean that we have everything put together and perfect, sometimes it can be the opposite. I believe a good leader is willing to be vulnurable, to lay your life down to God and others, to be willing for interruptions even if it means that you are about to go to bed after a long day and someone comes and knocks on your door for prayer or advice.

Jesus was always willing to be interrupted. He often had crowds follow him, even when he was wanting to be alone and go to a quite place. He never turned the people away, he welcomed them with open arms and healed them. He is a perfect example of a life laid down for others.

God is worthy to be praised and is the highest delight! He goes beyond our expectations and loves us all so much beyond what we could ever comprehend. ♥️🧡💜

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Latest donations

Matt on 15 Oct 2021
I have not seen you in at least the last decade but it is fantastic to see you on a DTS and to hear how God is working in your life. I'm so pleased to be able to help a little towards your fundraising.
Petra Leach

Thank you sooooo much Matt! Such a blessing. We were literally praying for finances today as we are going on outreach next week. God is good and answers prayers for sure! Many blessings! And again thank you sosososososo much!!! 😁😊

Petra Leach
Deborah Anne
Deborah Anne on 15 Oct 2021
Banks Family
Banks Family on 05 Oct 2021
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 27 Aug 2021
Love ya ❤
Deborah Anne
Deborah Anne on 24 Aug 2021

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Created by Petra Leach
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This campaign started on 31 Jul 2021 and ended on 31 Oct 2021.