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Stairs for life....

$670 of $1,000 goal
Given by 4 generous donors in 12 weeks

Donate whatever you are comfortable with and together let's make this world a better place.

Bay of Plenty

This year we are raising money for the Saint John Ambulance service, we all know what a valuable contribution they make to out society. Most of us would have had our lives touched by Saint John's and now we get a chance to repay them and more importantly, thank them.

David Mitchell's involvement (page creator)

For me ? Its the challenge of not only climbing the Mount but to be able to give something back to society....join me .

Latest update

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Day 38  14 April 2021

Tiz done....

Parking this afternoon I looked at all the gear in the ute I use to climb the Mount . Bum bag for phone and keys , weight vest sitting under my seat and of course my earphones....and I looked at the Mount and said bugger it , or words to that effect. I set off leaving it all behind , phone in the pocket and keys clipped to the draw string in my shorts. I wanted to reach down deep with my heart and hug my soul ...and I walked past the surf club , there was no one there and I didn't expect anyone but......

So as with all my climbs , I walked alone... my music was my footsteps crunching upon the gravel ...and I just enjoyed this occasion knowing the hard work I had put in to be completing this challenge in 38 days not the 50 days allowed .

It seems physically I'm still in reasonable shape which offers hope as to where I go from here , my next challenge .

But whatever that will be my time here is done ....

Let's make this world a better place , I've done my part ...join me , donate .

Thanks for listening 🎶

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More FM Mount Everest Challenge 2021

The Mount Everest Challenge is back for 2021. Climb the Mount 38 times in 50 days to raise money for Bay Of Plenty St John Ambulance!

Latest donations

Kate on 10 May 2021
David Mitchell

Wow! Thankyou so much 💓.

David Mitchell
Faye on 31 Mar 2021
Nice to meet you up the Mount tonight!
McDonald Motor Trimmers
McDonald Motor Trimmers on 19 Mar 2021
Gary Peggs
Gary Peggs on 17 Mar 2021
Stacy on 11 Mar 2021
Doing great 😊. Keep it up love Stacy
David Mitchell

Awesome, thankyou so much! Hopefully you've broken the ice and others will be encouraged to follow suit .

David Mitchell

Who's involved?

David Mitchell's avatar
Created by David Mitchell
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 4 Mar 2021 and ended on 31 May 2021.