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Stairs for life....

  • Day 38

      14 April 2021
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    Tiz done....

    Parking this afternoon I looked at all the gear in the ute I use to climb the Mount . Bum bag for phone and keys , weight vest sitting under my seat and of course my earphones....and I looked at the Mount and said bugger it , or words to that effect. I set off leaving it all behind , phone in the pocket and keys clipped to the draw string in my shorts. I wanted to reach down deep with my heart and hug my soul ...and I walked past the surf club , there was no one there and I didn't expect anyone but......

    So as with all my climbs , I walked alone... my music was my footsteps crunching upon the gravel ...and I just enjoyed this occasion knowing the hard work I had put in to be completing this challenge in 38 days not the 50 days allowed .

    It seems physically I'm still in reasonable shape which offers hope as to where I go from here , my next challenge .

    But whatever that will be my time here is done ....

    Let's make this world a better place , I've done my part ...join me , donate .

    Thanks for listening 🎶

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  • Day 37 - Part 2

      13 April 2021
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    I've done it ! That is I've matched the number of climbs with the number of days the Mount Everest Challenge has been going. Tomorrow God willing and the creeks don't rise I'll do climb number 38 on Day 38 and my Mount Everest Challenge will be over. I'm not sure how I feel about that ?

    I'll have a weigh in tomorrow morning but it's looking like I've left about 5 kilos on the Mount this challenge...injuries have thankfully been minimal and if anything I've strengthened problem areas namely by hamstrings. The hip seems to have settled down ....

    I've to date raised $470.00 with another $200.00 having been promised , it would be wonderful if that came through....

    Will I commit to another challenge? I don't honestly know .

    More tomorrow....

    Let's make this world a better place starting here and now , donate!

    Thanks for listening 🎶

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  • Day 37 - Part 1

      13 April 2021
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    On a mission.....

    I've only one thing on my mind now and that's to git er done .

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  • Day 36- Part 2

      12 April 2021
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    The dream is still alive I think to myself as I head back up my mountain..pain has receded and I know this second climb will only hurt in the normal manner ...oddly I find myself with the stitch as I tackle that dreaded stone! I didn't think I'd been pushing that hard...

    Just keep climbing...

    Head down and a hand appears ...its that couple I'd been yarning with at the top not so long ago ...they are offering shitloads of encouragement. That's something I've missed with this year's challenge. My choice as I shut myself from Facebook...those that cared matter.

    I walking within the clouds and I'm so happy that this injury hasn't stopped my drive to 38 climbs in 38 days ....let's call it my personal challenge...

    As I navigate the soggy switchback stairs a couple of youngsters bloody run past me making it look easy 🙂. I reach the top and the young lass is still bouncing with energy...she's on climb 32 and she takes my picture and I there's...into the grey...the trip down and I run into another wonderful young lass pushing her limits by the wooden bridge ...I'm doing a lot of chatting now and I like it . If you see me , reach out . I'd love to say hi.

    The plan !!

    All going well then tomorrow I intend to do another double climb . That will leave me even of climbs and days, 37.

    Wednesday I'm hoping to do climb 38 on the 38th day and I invite you to join me . Meet at the surf club at 4.15 pm ...I'll be the old bugger wearing a 15 kilo weight vest and I won't be stopping ...

    Donate , let's make this world a better place and me together..

    Thanks for listening 🎶

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  • Day 36- Part 1

      12 April 2021
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    Ok , did I really taunt Ol Murphy ? I guess so as the lay in bed writhing in pain . Gawd knows how did anything but my left hip hurt like the blue blazes . Careful massage and applying deep heat together with pain killer meds meant I was able to get some sleep.

    More meds today and advice is to take a few days off . I've got a few up my sleeve for just this , injuries can strike at any time....

    Of course I didn't listern HAAA....

    So I parked again by the hotpools and avoided the stone stairs ...and I climbed in the mist , gingerly and sure the bloody hip hurt to start with but how weird is this ? As I climbed the pain started to ease I climbed higher the pain was less , go figure?

    I reached the top and had a yarn with a feller who had open heart surgery not 6 months ago ...absolute pleasure to talk with both him and his wife...another inspiration.

    The climb down is about not slipping and I go down the stone stars and reach the base track . I stretch on the boardwalk and then yup guessed it ....

    To be continued....

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  • Day 35 -Part 2

      11 April 2021
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    Continued from Part 1.

    So I've become something of an expert on shades of grey I muse to myself as I descend ....50 ? I left that number behind yrs ago and still I punish myself going up and down this mountain. Coming down is always easy as you tip yourself forward and let gravity take care of the rest . The only problem is you fool yourselves into thinking your feeling great , it's a lie. Deception at its finest as I convince myself I can go back up again . The trouble with that is once yourve taken that first step up there's no outs ! Pride simply won't allow me to not reach the top as disappointment leaves such a sour taste ...all valid thoughts as I trudge back up ....

    At about the Heartbreakers I'm deciding my future. I'll be 59 in a couple of months and maybe it's time I gave this body a break ? Eat all those biscuits and donuts and grow old and fat ...??? Hell of a lot easier than watching this mountain again strip kilos from my frame ....

    I reach the top for a second time and interrupt a young man attempting a PB to take my picture ...shit mate , sorry .....

    The descent is allways easy , remember....

    5 climbs left in 3 days if I want to do 38 climbs in 38 days ...or , I can eat donuts and use up all allowed 50 days ....

    At this stage I don't know which way this challenge will go , stay tuned .

    Remember to donate and help me help you ....after all , who knows when either of us might need an Ambulance or a first aid course or just help!

    You an me , together....let's make this world a better place

    Thanks for listening 🎶.

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  • Day 35 -Part 1

      11 April 2021
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    What a difference a day makes ....

    Driving though the drizzle and I managed to find a great park right by the Mount Hotpools . So I invite Etta James to join me in my head and together we head up the mountain via the track though the campground which envelopes the hotpools . Not tackling the stone staircase makes quite a difference and as I pass the gates I would of used had I taken the stone staircase I'm feeling strong.

    I feel like chewing poles and spitting out matchsticks....and its not long before I'm shedding the light rain coat I'm wearing ...

    I'm singing in my head with Etta and there's a loopy grin on my lips as I keep plugging upwards ...different landmaks pass by . The green bench seat on my right going up marks the end of the teasers and the start of the Heartbreakers....then it's the prayer tree on my left . I'm almost though the Heartbreakers and then I'm looking down and the first step of the bastards.....

    There's just no point looking up , you still have them to climb so I don't lift my head until I reach that last step....those bastards always take their due and today's no different .

    I reach the switchbacks and there's puddles , first time this challenge that I've seen this...I chose to step over or around them . I want to try and keep my shoes dry as I've some work to do ....

    The view from the top was a rather spectacular grey ....and it's with a grin I return to the bottom as I strong enough to be back up here in half an hr or so to see the same view.....grey , 50 shades of grey is really just an old man alone in his thoughts climbing for you ....for me and for us . You and me , together .

    Let's make this world a better place ....

    Thanks for listening 🎶...

    To be continued.....

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  • Day 34

      10 April 2021
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    Jus didn't feel the love today ....opened the utes door into a very stiff wind carrying skiffs of rain . As I set off along the boardwalk the ocean was raging with the surf confused by the competitive white wasn't pretty .

    Nor was the way I started this climb , my legs just didn't want to climb and I had to grit my teeth and just keep climbing . As per normal once above the bastards everything felt normal again , so much so I entertained thoughts of a second climb . That never happened so I'm 3 climbs behind par for the number of days and day 38 is looming fast . I have 4 days to complete 7 more climbs and I just don't know if I can do that ...

    Watch this space...

    Thanks for listening 🎶.

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  • Day 33.

      9 April 2021
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    Todays a rest day before I take on the final assault . I have 8 climbs to complete this challenge and I'm keen to git er done.

    A wee niggle in my right calf muscle has me a little worried as does the weather forcast....

    Guess I'll find out in the morning....

    Chow ....

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  • Day 32- Part 2

      8 April 2021
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    Like a Tui's ad? Yer right.

    Upon reaching the bottom I stretched then bugger me I was heading back up . Dave , DAVE mate ...what are you doing ? You have plenty of time to compete this challenge.

    and you know ...I wish I could take the easy route .

    So at the top of the stone stairs I'm feeling OK and I'm thinking maybe 3 consecutive climbs might be possible. I'm trying to complete this challenge in 38 days so with tomorrow being a rest day I still have some work to do...

    Join me , donate !

    Thanks for reading .....

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  • Day 32- Part 1

      8 April 2021
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    Day 32 and I'm doing everything I can think of to talk myself out of two climbs tonight . I've reached the top of the stone stairs and my legs are protesting loudly , come on Dave its been a big week mate.

    This challenge is a marathon not a sprint so if it takes an extra day , so be it.

    You could have two beers 🍻 for 12 dollars, happy hour prices ...

    and the reasons why I'm not doing two consecutive climbs kept coming as upped the pace climbing the Heartbreakers....if I'm only doing one climb I might as give it everything I tell myself .

    At the top of the bastards I really started striding out and I reached the summit not quite gasping but I'd certainly paid my dues as my shirt started to cling to me ....

    Right then! A quick descent then a wash up and change of clothes and it's beer time ....and just like a Tui's add.....

    To be continued.....

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  • Day 31

      7 April 2021
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    All the plans of mice and men ....

    I couldn't believe it ! I scored a park right at the base , I couldn't park any closer. Now , that's a big deal when you've been coming here for a month. The challenge is baring injury no longer about climbing the Mount ratherits become having the motivation to brave the traffic and trundle over every day bar one in a week . I guess if I'm really honest with myself that's the reason I've done a couple of back to back climbs .

    I'm 10 climbs away now from finishing this challenge and I'm keen to git er done.

    That said I enjoyed tonight's climb and notice I'm talking singular? Yes I had planned on doing two climbs tonight but the lure of beer and a seafood chowder at my favorite place in the Mount was too strong and I quickly changed my plans accordingly.....

    10 climbs left folks , what's it going to take you to donate ?

    Thanks for listening and you and me, let's make this world a better place .

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  • Day 30- Part 2

      6 April 2021
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    Im feeling OK! I've just got to the top of the stone stairs and sure I'm breathing hard but I'm not worried about that , I'm more concerned with muscle fatigue in my legs . So I climb again my head is down and I'm in the zone feeling really really strong ...kinda surprised. That lasts untill the Heartbreakers....2nd time round and the live up to their name and as for the bastards? It wasn't pretty .

    It didn't matter as I was knocking another climb off , another day closer.

    I've gone from wanting to enjoy every climb to feeling like I've been away on holiday 3 days too long and just want to go home...

    My way of saying I want to git er done !

    I'm also hankering to do this in 38 days or less...

    Watch this space....

    Share this page , donate and you and me kid ...let's make this world a better place .

    Thanks for reading ....

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  • Day 30 - Part 1

      6 April 2021
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    Yes , despite what I wrote yesterday I simply didn't listern to myself and did two climbs consecutively.

    With the daylight saving now gone I find myself climbing in the shadow of this mountain and I'm ok with that as the temperature is more user friendly for me ....I don't look up rather my eyes are fixed on my next step or stair , it makes no difference as they all have to be climbed . I,ve slipped into auto pilot and I'm musing on doing another climb straight after this one . I'm waying up the pros and cons when a waving hand catches my eye , it's Fee ! Now if ever you needed inspiration then look no further than the feats of this lass....and yes , we have a climb to do together .

    At the top of the bastards I allow myself to lift my head as I've broken this climb....

    I broach the summit and have a chat with a young lady , she's on number 30 ....

    I hit the descent and hustle and I've reached the bottom were I stretch again then look Ol Murphy square in the eye.....

    To be continued.....

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  • Day 28

      5 April 2021
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    I quite like Billie Eilish , no not in that way rather I like her music . She's out there and doesn't care but what I really like is she's real and keeps it that way unlike many of the other pretentious princesses who need to show skin to sell music .

    So I invited Billie into my head and together we climbed , her singing rather well and me ? WelI guess climbing the Mount is the best place to practice dance moves or get that groove going ...I'm not sure what I must of looked like but at least no one was rushing for the defibrillator.....

    I was thinking I might do 2 climbs consecutively today and really I should have because I had a lot left in the tank ...then again I'm think I'm well into this challenge now at 25 climbs and I'd like to enjoy each one now if that's at all possible....together we have raised $470.00 and I have had another $200.00 promised but......Will we see it ?

    Regardless....its a hell of a ride and thankyou for joining me .

    Donate , thanks for listening 🎶 , Donate....

    You and me together can make this a world a better place , let's do this ...

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  • Day 28

      4 April 2021
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    Normality returns.....

    It's the new 8.00 am and the dash in the ute tells me it's 13 degs outside , I strip down to shorts and singlet knowing I'll be warm enough soon ....

    Earphones on today and I invited Pink Floyd into my head as I listened to the endless river...the sea looked soooo inviting but I knew it was lieing .

    Stopped at the base and stretched , man I've learned how important that is . ..and I climbed.

    My heart wanted to do a double up like yesterday but my legs said no no no . So I cut myself a break and was happy to do one climb . I have to remind myself this challenge is not a sprint , it's a marathon and that's where my head space needs to be . I'll try for two tomorrow.

    Saw a mate at the prayer tree and he offered the correct amount of cheek , good to see you up here Grant 👍..

    As per normal the legs felt better after the bastards and the pace had increased until the summit .

    Coming back down and I'm passing a lot of people , I'm also being passed . We all have our own pace and I marvel at some ...

    Sea level and 24 is done and dusted , thankyou for reading and hey , donate ! Let's you and me make this world a better place ....

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  • Day 27 - Part /2

      3 April 2021
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    What the hell am I doing ? I've gone mad I think to myself as I start climbing back up to the top . I'd just been up there , came down and now I'm going back up for a second time ??

    I've joined the nutters club !

    but really after talking to the young lady who had taken my photo it made sense. As she had explained all your muscles were warm and the endorfens had kicked in, the heart rate was up so the only thing stopping me was fatigue and I felt great 👍.

    I passed a man who had recently had a hip operation so he was trying it out , he was 80......

    I'm enjoying this climb and feeling good so its with some regret I reach the top for the second time.

    I met two young women from Zimbabwe so I took their photo and one of them kindly took mine leaning against the whateveryoucallit.

    The trip down and I thing myself no...NO WAY are you doing three....

    and I listerned you , thanks for reading .

    Donate and together let's make this world a better place 🙂.

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  • Day 27 - Part /1

      3 April 2021
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    I've no idea how busy the Mount is as I had traveled over on the Bonnie , its not untill I start climbing.

    I quickly strip down to my shorts as even at 10am the sun is bright and hot enough to quickly have me sweating ...and as I fall into auto pilot I don't look up rather I keep my head down and focuss on my breathing . At times it's a continuous stream of people I passing as the desend and I climb . I offer words of encouragement to a young mum who's struggling, this was her first time up the Mount and I think the Bastards had her swearing as well....

    As the reach the top there were people for Africa up there , W0W! I don't think I've ever seen as many people at the top at the same time .

    You know , how fantastic is it that we can share our Mount and the enjoyment it brings to so many people ....

    So my obligatory photo was taken on the stairs and I got to talking to the young lady gracious enough to take my photo. She planted a seed ....

    On the desent I yarned with a Netball team from the middle of no-where , they are having a team bonding weekend at the Mount ...

    I reached the bottom and stretched before....

    Remember a seed was planted ?

    Next minute.....

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  • Day 25

      1 April 2021
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    What happened? Yesterday I was standing here in the clouds looking at Autumn and today I'm reach up and grasping Summer yet again ....

    To say its hot would not do the temp justice as I climbed though the stairs and in part , the gears in my mind . The singlet had long been done away with as I paid my toll upon the mountain... the tracks quiet and I'm again listening to nature's music . I'm somewhere in between going hard and cruising , I just carnt make up my mind so I throw time out and just let it flow minds drifting towards that sub 15min climb and I'm asking myself do I want to try for it I need to ....should I , could I and will I comes to mind and I just don't have an answer in this moment ...there's still plenty of moments left in this challenge to decide...

    Thanks for reading.....

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  • Day 24

      31 March 2021
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    It had to happen , kinda fitting given the grey and drab day that greeted me as I parked at the Mount. My tenuous hold upon Summer was gone as one by one each of my fingers gave in to the inevitable and relinquished their grip .

    As if to join me the drizzle only served to dampen the dust as I hit the stairs . The body feels tired this afternoon and my hammys feel tight . I plod and concentrate on one step after the other with my head bowed ...grinding out another number Intent only in reaching the summit. I could have counted stairs but we've been down that track , 588 is the number....

    Despite the drabness my spirits are soaring , I've left the music behind and I'm loving the sound of a pounding surf and the lush songs of our native birds coming from the foliage either side of the track.

    I'm guessing the threat of the storm warning had encouraged some to take a rest day as the track is quiet and as I reach the summit I relish that I'm all alone up here! I carnt remember the last time when that has happened?

    I pat the whateveritscalled at the top then wait ....I didn't have to wait long before a young lady named Faye joined me and kindly took my obligatory photo... Faye , II hope your reading this because you lass are a real Jewel ! Thankyou so much for your donation!!

    It's just amazing how much that supports me in this endeavor ...

    Good people, together , making this world a better place 👏...

    Climb 20 slides gracefully into history as again I simply marvel at the folks climbing this Mountain, our place, where our souls return home ....welcome home .

    Thanks for reading ....and donate dammit 🙂.

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  • Day 23

      30 March 2021
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    Congratulations, you've managed to stick with me to half way , ohh yer climb 19 is the official halfway mark in this challenge.

    An opportunity to pause and reflect on the challenge to date and how good has it been ? Despite recent injuries and carrying a couple of niggles I don't think I've ever started as strongly nor have I managed to get here injury free .

    I've never got to this point without any wet climbs nor have I had this amount of money raised apart from when I raised money for Waipuna Hospice. That was personal and in a way so is this ...maybe I'll tell the story why?

    Todays climb went well so well infact it's with some surprise when I reach the summit. It's almost as if I slip into auto pilot at the bottom...

    I'm enjoying this and I'm enjoying brief interactions with fellow climbers , one ladys on climb 28 and another ,a young mum had an 8 kilo baby strapped to her front and a toddler in tow ...I'm guessing she will be carrying the toddler az well at some stage ...those folk a the real heroes in my book ...

    Turn the page ....

    Thanks for reading and hey, let's make this world a better place .

    You and me.


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  • Day 22

      29 March 2021
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    I'm greeted by quite a stiff on-shore wind as I arrive at the Mount main beach . I've parked by the changing sheds with the volleyball nets out front. There's folks playing , there's always folks playing and I just love the enthusiasm of youth ....I'm happy with where I am though , too many aches and pains at times but all self inflicted as I refuse to act my age . I'd rather act your age or yours or hey! You , yes you over there ----> ? Your age ...

    I'm hitting the first set of stairs harder now and by the time I reach he top of the stone staircase I'm really reaching for oxygen, I continue on and the winds strong and then as I reach the second gate and find the protection of the Bush on my right the wind drops away , I'm left with the sound of my labored breathing and the ohhh so sweet sounds playing though my earphones. Upwards I head with no let up in pace untill I cross over the wooden bridge and then I run , whoa! Relax ! I don't run far ....yet.

    All to soon I'm reaching the summit for the obligatory photo .

    The descent is fast and yet, I took ol Murphy on and he won , this round . A tight hammy and thigh muscle sore the running stop , I've plenty of time yet and I know it's coming ....

    How would you like to climb with me ? You and me , together building a better world though endeavor ...

    It just doesn't get better than that.

    Thanks for reading ....

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  • Day 21

      28 March 2021
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    11.40 . The Mount is glittering in her finest dress as the weakened sun shines a light upon her graceful beauty. People walking the track adjourn her like the jewels we can be ...everything's starting to gel as this tired , broken and old body starts to get fit for purpose . I find more and more that loopy grin coming with me for the the Heartbreakers I offer encouragement to children and just past the wooden bridge I'm passed Fee whose running , I join her for two all to brief moments ...

    More moments with Fee next weekend as we will climb together just like we did 3 years ago..

    Then its Summit time and again, I really enjoyed this climb ! On the way down I was all but running , holding this big rig back is getting harder and harder given how well and and how strong I'm feeling ...pretty soon I'm going to look at Ol Murphy Square in the eyes and say damn it , i'll take me chances .

    17 ? W0W consigned to history ...

    Thanks for reading...

    You and me , together !

    Let's make this world a better place , you and me .....

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  • Day 20

      27 March 2021
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    and then there's those climbs you think are not going to happen , I had a plethora of reasons not to climb today and I believed each and every one . Thankfully I didn't listern to myself and sure it was tough going to start with but as I climbed I started to find a rhythm, my rhythm . The world took on an ambiance best viewed though sunglasses and a loopy grin settled upon my lips 💋 , damn I was glad to be here , now , in this time and in this moment never gets any easier climbing the Mount. Sure , you might get faster but it hurts just the same.

    Climb 16 now viewed though the rear view mirror and with the hands of time firmly clasped the day, that moment now becomes a favorite and me , together....let's make this world a better place ....

    Thanks for reading and don't be afraid to donate and show me some support!

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  • Day 19

      26 March 2021
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    Today I've taken as a rest day after 6 days climbing in a row . The picture is of the stone staircase , a climb that steals your oxygen.....

    Let's do this together, you and me together making this world a better place ....

    in a heartbeat 💓....

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  • Day 18

      25 March 2021
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    The symmetry amuses me , climb 15 and I decide to wear my 15 kilo weight vest . Now if I was 10 years younger that probably wouldn't have been too bad but I'm not , add in I was on the phone talking to the insurance company as I tackled the stone stairs and suddenly oxygen became very important.....and that didn't change until I topped the bastards. Once you top that nasty set of stairs you can lift your head . I think its because for a brief too few yards the track not only levels out but almost goes down for a bit .The world is no longer a place of pain and hardship....rather a thing of beauty and your eyes drift out over the South Pacific.

    To say the mountain took its toll is an understatement but with a planned rest day tomorrow I had it all to give and I did.

    Now consigned to history climb 15 will go down as one I enjoyed ....challenge accepted!

    Thanks for reading and hey , how about together we make this world a better place ?

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  • Day 17

      24 March 2021
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    The track was quiet tonight and it was nice to settle into my work, listening to pulse helped . Not my pulse , Pink Floyd's Pulse .

    By the time I hit the Heartbreakers I'm really paying the toll , my hair is wet and with my hand constantly wiping the sweat from my forehead backwards I'm sporting a new fangled sweptback hairstyle.

    This mountain demands its toll and the more you are prepared to pay the greater the results . Fitness, weight-loss and mental health all benefit from the effort you put in ...

    Yes , that line in the sand remains infact I extended it by another section...running . The hammys don't like it to much and I'm unable to stretch out but you know ? I'll take any form of running even if it is with a loopy grin plastered all over my face.

    and damn it! I put the big rig into second gear on the decent till I reached the wooden know that song * I kissed a girl and I liked it *? Well I didn't kiss a girl but I did like it , running that is. Who knows where this could go ....stay tuned!

    Climb 14 now slides gracefully into history and I'm looking squarely at you , yes ------>*you*.

    What do I need to to do to get you to donate ? A handstand on top?

    Bring out the dreaded weight vest again ?

    You tell me and maybe kid , just maybe together we can make this world a better place ..

    Thanks for reading .

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  • Day 16

      23 March 2021
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    Unlucky for some , lucky for others ....climb 13 .

    Hit the traps today feeling great and enjoying this taste of an Indian Summer. 4.50 PM and its still warm enough to induce that tell tale sweat trail ...I'm pushing on and the heads down looking at the next step and no more ...I'm aware of folks going past me , some coming down and some going up like me . I cut myself a break knowing the injuries I've carried this past year and it wasn't so long ago I never thought I'd ever be able to do this again ... ever. Just that thought spurs me on and I run a very small section . Damn! I've just drawn a line in the sand and now have to run that section each climb...

    I'm still smiling as I crest fools stairs and glimpse the summit.

    I look at my watch , bugger! I was expecting a way better time . This means I will need to work harder.

    The trip down is brisk as I run all the stairs ....

    13 , done and dusted ...

    How are you doing ?

    You -me together , let's make this world a better place ....

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  • Day 15

      22 March 2021
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    Climb number 12 is dedicated to someone very special to me namely my youngest daughter Stacy Mitchell . She was the first to donate as a way to offer her support and encourage me onwards on this venture. Thanks Stacy , love you heaps ...

    What a difference a day makes , today as I adjust my bits and bobs look up at that mountain I felt good , strong even . Having eaten plenty and drunk plenty of water though the day I was actually looking forward to the challenge ahead. So I set off at a reasonable pace ( for me ) and didn't let up , at times I upped my pace as I drew closer to the summit. Busy track today as lots of folks were enjoying the mountain as was I. The trip back to the bottom was also brisk but you know? I'm really proud of myself for keep myself in check . It would be so easy and so damn enjoyable to get this big rig rumbling down that mountain but at this stage the risk of injury is just to great .

    Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was this challenge in my case .

    Thanks for reading , what say we make this world a better place ? You can by hitting the donate now button and tomorrow could be in honor of you....

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  • Day 14

      21 March 2021
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    Todays climb is dedicated to McDonald Motor Trimmers who kindly donated $300.00 to my fundraising efforts. Huge thankyou guys !!

    Check them out at

    Haveing been in bussness for 76 yrs there's not many more trusted businesses in Tauranga that provide great service and a quality job . For all your uhpolstery needs be it vehicules or household they are the team to see or call on 07 5787903.

    Geeze it's cool this morning , 12 degs C my dash tells me . With that in mind I set off up the mountain and again I have no watch on. I'm really doing these climbs poorly prepared and the bodys protesting ....a bit of breakfast or at least a drink of water before climbing may of helped ....regard'liss, we're into the grind now and the next 19 or so climbs will be just about numbers . I need to put my personal aspirations aside for fear of injury and grind those numbers out .

    But you , yes ----- > *you* if you see me on the track don't hesitate to reach out and say hi . There's a lot of us doing this and we're all in it together....that said , let's together make this world a better place ....

    Thanks for reading ....

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  • Day 13

      20 March 2021
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    Lucky for some , unlucky for others 13 .

    As I woke this morning I knew immediately I had no gas in the tank , no rhyme or reason it is what it is .

    I guess I'm standing there looking at the Mount wondering how the hell am I going to climb that this morning?

    The track was busy and I just put one foot in front of the other until I reached the top . I deliberately didn't wear a watch as I didn't need to torture myself ...

    End result is while memorable in its own right climb number 10 will go down as one of my toughest but it's in the records none the less and that is what matters....

    Thanks for reading and together, how about we make this world a better place ?

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  • Day 12

      19 March 2021
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    Like the picture of a Lagunitas IPA in an Asian Tiger glass , things are not always as they appear....tonight after 5 consecutive climbs I've taken the night off . Yes , it now means I've used up 3 of the 12 lay days available.

    I'm ok with that , tomorrow I'm hoping to claw one day back by doing two climbs . It's going to be tough as the first climb will be with the what is becoming the dreaded weight vest . Why? With a hefty contribution of $300.00 by McDonald Motor Trimmers I need to honor my commitment of dedicating a climb to them ....I also have one to dedicate to my daughter Stacy Mitchell...

    Shits real but the upside is we are currently sitting at $450.00 donated with another $150.00 means together we can make a difference. Get onboard , join the team !

    You /Me , together...let's make this world a better place .

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  • Day 11

      18 March 2021
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    W0W !! How hot was it ? Warm enough in my book and given the page I was on my singlet disappeared at the top of the stone stairs . I was hunting and I had my prey in sight . What the hell am talking about? Personal best times thats what and until today's climb I was a whopping 4 mins adrift off my PB that I had set at the ripe age of 58 to climb the Mount. I'm now 3 minutes adrift and I'm a gunning for it this space.

    You /me together, let's make this world a better place .

    Thanks for reading.

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  • Day 10

      17 March 2021
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    Don't tell the boss but I snuck away half an hour early , I was in the ute and wanted to avoid the traffic jams ...the reason I was in the ute was I had my 15 kilo weight vest with me.

    I've decided that if you donate $50.00 or more it's only right you get your money's worth and to do that I will wear the weight vest .

    Tonight's climb is dedicated to Gary Peggs , Gary is one of the people that allow us at McDonald Motor Trimmers to do what we do as he sells the textiles we use. Not only that , Gary is a hell of a nice guy and today he donated $50.00 . Huge thanks Gary , tonights climb was for you....

    Next level...

    24 degs it says on the utes dash and I'm thinking boy this is going to be fun ....

    Loading that 15 kilos on is a trick in its self and once I had the weight settled I invited Pink Floyd into my head ...hell, maybe they should be donating for the plug I just gave them.

    At the top of the stone steps I'm a panting , hard! By the divide I'm wondering if I've bitten of more than I can chew.

    As I climb though the teasers my mind is going What the duck are you doing Dave? ??

    I'm hurting all over and when should I just say duck it ! Resign myself to those stretching *gym* pants , waddle down to the club each night and give this excise gig away ?......

    The Bastards hurt big time and pain was starting to hit me in waves ....a random thought as I walked past the defibrillator was , damn ...if I conk out now at least I'll have a chance.

    It's supposed to get easier past the bastards, not so tonight but on the upside , at least I had a reason for being slow ....sweat was pouring and I'm thinking man I'm glad I nailed some water today the time I reached the fools steps I was spent , done , dusted!

    I managed to caress the trig station then headed down for the photo...

    Climb 8 now consigned to history , 30 more infront of me ....

    50 bucks folks , gets you a shout out and ensures I wear the weight vest .

    Are you with me ?

    Together, let's make this world a better place ....

    Thanks for reading..

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  • Day 9

      16 March 2021
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    Is it really day nine ? W0W!

    It's all about numbers now as we begin the grind . The first blushes are past and now we get to know each other , man v mountain....

    Motivation is the key to those numbers and I gotta admit that after a tough day at work the last thing you want to do is push yourself to limits ...but....those days keep a rolling and unless you stay in touch with your climbs it only takes one injury for you to fail....that word is not acceptable or allowed in my book .

    So I roll in on the Bonnie and I'm tired , bone weary tired and I look up at that mountain and wonder if I have it in me ..the eternal question I guess .

    Head down with Deep Purple playing inside my head I find out the yes , yes I did have it in me . So much much infact that at climb 7 I'm zooming along

    ( hence the pose).

    I'm seriously considering bringing my weight vest into play this space...

    Still only one donation that I'm extremely grateful for but folks , this isn't about me or any perceived personal gains . This is about the Saint John's Ambulance and I need you help ...share or donate will help me in my goal to raise $1000.00.

    Will you?

    Together, let's make this world a better place .

    Thanks for reading .....

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  • Day 8

      15 March 2021
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    There's a reason I'm grining in tonight's picture, quite simple really .....

    4.50 PM and I arrive at the base of the Mount and its so seemless I don't even realize it had happened but I was in auto pilot . Lost within myself with some ohhhh so sweet sounds playing I hardly register various parts of the climb . The Mount as always is demanding its toll and I'm paying in sweat , sweat dropping upon the dusty track as I grind my way up . It's in these times you realize just how alone you are in these challenges, there's no-one else to help and nobody's got your back ....and that's OK.

    It means you take on the Mountain on your terms , one layer in the many levels that make up Mount Everest Challenge...

    That grin?

    I enjoyed tonight's climb....

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  • Day 7

      14 March 2021
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    Miss a couple of days and all of a sudden you feel like your running behind the clock and as crazy as it seems , the clock ticks louder.

    Your not of course as there a 12 days spare if you do one climb each day but you try telling yourself that .

    1 .00 pm and the Main Mount Beach is going off as we enjoy a revival of sorts , Summers back and its glorious!

    and as walk past the Surf club I'm just not feeling the love , it's kinda like being at a dance where the heart says yes but those legs ...say , no way .

    So it began and as I climbed the struggle became real . Any thoughts of records fell behind me with every step ,my focuss now was simply to reach the top.

    Almost like revisiting past climbs as then my right calf muscle started cramping ....the struggle now became painful.

    Of course , once I reached the top all that had gone before was quickly forgotten as I reached up and tossed number 5 into a Summers sky ..

    5 climbs , shits getting real and I've a long way to go yet ...I'd love to see you donate , will you ?

    Or will you read this and roll on by with nought?

    Together , let's make our world a better place .

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  • Day 6

      13 March 2021
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    W0W !! How lucky are we with today's weather? Beautiful day that has had us out on the water making the most of it ....

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  • Day 5

      12 March 2021
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    No climb tonight but an idea . If you donate say $10.00 I give you a shout out , if you want me too I can promote your business from the top of the Mount for $50.00 .

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  • Day 4

      11 March 2021
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    The weather man told me it was going to rain , storm even !

    So I took the ute to work and to avoid the inevitable bumber to bumper traffic one experiences trying to get to the Mount , I left early and dressed to get wet.....sure , it was raining at the lakes but I drove into Summer.

    It didn't take long as I stipped down to just shorts at the divide and the Mountain took its due , a trail of sweat behind me layed testament to the effort .

    With being unable to climb due to going away for a couple of days I put the hammer down and was determined to leave nothing in the tank. By the time I reached the bastards I really thought I'd gone to hard to early and was really thinking I was about to collapse into a heap...thankfully that didn't happen and yes , I reached the top but it wasn't pretty .

    Coming down I resisted running, I'd done the cardio going up but that's not to say I didn't lay it all on the line as I was determined to leave nothing in the tank.

    Battling the stich as I walked past the surf club was the tank empty, done, I was spent as I looked upon the sea . Summer colours abounded as I watched a surfer catch a wave on a blue south pacific ocean and my world felt complete again.

    Interesting fact . Prior to lockdown which was this time last year I was regularly going on 12 k runs and was climbing the Mount in just a touch over 15mins. What a difference a year makes as my time today was 19mins ...

    I've 4 minutes to find in 34 climbs..

    Can I?

    But more importantly is how do I get your support in what I'm

    doing ?

    A dollor ...howz that for a deal...a dollor a climb.

    Howz that for a deal....

    You and me together, let's make this world a better place .

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  • Day 3

      10 March 2021
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    It's fair to say I was somewhat nervous about tonight's climb . I'd had a cortisone injection into my right shoulder this afternoon and the doctor also attempted to break up a calcium lump that had form when I tore the tendon.Given I'm a pain whimp I nailed two codeine tablets thinking was in my best interests, I had completely forgotten tonight's climb until those tablets slid past the tonsils...bugger!

    So I'm loaded and feeling no pain and I look at the scruffy sea , I relish the challenge. Setting off in a wee breeze looking at a green sea , when did the colour change...?

    I head up those dreaded stone stairs and I'm doing ok . At the divide I go left and climb into the teasers , then the heart breakers . At the bastards I start to feel the first signs of fatigue in my legs , understandable given out of relatively nowhere this is my 3rd climb ....each 24hrs apart. But as past experience has shown , once past the bastards everything starts to get a lot easier. So much so I'm literally restraining myself from running and once again I reach the top with a LOT left in the tank.

    I had a brief chat with a young lady at the switchbacks, she climbs to Mount 5-6 times a day .


    I head down and I'm running down the stairs , I just carnt help myself . Maybe it's the painkillers...maybe not . I feel like chewing up power poles and spitting out matchsticks.

    I reach the bottom smiling as I glance at my watch ....

    The real test will be how the body feels in the morning ...

    Tomorrow will be climb 4 and I've no choice but to do it given I'll be away Friday and Saturday...

    Will I ?

    Stay tuned 🙂.

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  • Day 2

      9 March 2021
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    I carnt believe how strong I'm feeling , it's like I haven't been off the Mount these past 6 months or more. Today I knew I was leaving plenty of gas in the tank even though I'm getting faster.

    B b b but! and damn it , there's always a but .

    This challenge isn't completed on day two , well , not by me anyway. With that in mind I'm making a real effort to hold myself back , to not run even though I think I have the lungs and legs for it .

    Coming down I did slip the big rig (me) into second gear with a very quiet wee jog ...I must have looked so silly as my gait wasn't anywhere near effortless ...

    Done and dusted...would love to see some donations ..hello?

    As always, you / me together , let's make our world a better place!

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  • Day one....

      8 March 2021
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    4.45 pm and I'm lamenting a loss of Summer. Sure , it's warm enough in the afternoons but the breeze coming across from Pilot Bay is telling me a story that I'm not liking.

    With those thoughts I plugged in and invited Alan Parsons into my head and together we set off past the surf club and then beyond ...and you know ? I'm feeling great ! Sure, I'm breathing like a runaway freight train but without a watch I know I'm on a good pace ...the tracks busy .

    I keep my head down and concentrate on my breathing and it's all seeming way to easy .

    That's about to change as after reaching the top I started back down and bugger me if I didn't get a pain in my right calf muscle, bugger! I stopped and stretched then continued down cautiously...towards the bottom everything felt ok again....

    Once again I'm reminded that this is no easy feat given I'm rapidly closing in on being 59 yrs old . Adding to the difficulty is recent skateboard injures including both hammys, fractured ribs , a torn rib cartlidge and a buggered shoulder in recent times.

    All that adds up to being not a given that I can do this ....

    That said, I'll give it a Crack for charity and hope that you will support me in my endeavors...

    Day 1 , Climb 1 now logged as as they say , history.

    See you tomorrow 🙂.

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