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Stan Crawl: Toon to NZ

$300 of $250 goal
Given by 7 generous donors in 4 weeks

Two kiwis travel home from the UK to New Zealand overland from the Atlantic to the Pacific Coast. A 20,000km adventure crossing the largest


We all have experienced friends or family that have been affected by cancer - NZ's largest killer. The Cancer Society of New Zealand is the leading organisation dedicated to reducing the incidence of cancer and ensuring the best cancer care for everyone in New Zealand.

Two kiwis travel home from the UK to New Zealand overland from the Atlantic to the Pacific Coast. A 20,000km adventure crossing the largest land mass on earth in a panel van! We'll be doing this to raise money for cancernz.org.nz

Latest update

About the challenge...  9 May 2013

Two kiwis who've been living in Newcastle for the past 2 years travel home from the UK to New Zealand overland from the Atlantic to the Pacific Coast. A 20,000km adventure crossing the largest land mass on earth in a panel van! We'll be raising money for cancernz.org.nz After two fabulous years in the UK our work visa's are coming to an end and we're nearing our ""deportation date""! We plan to set off from our current home in Newcastle upon Tyne around 12 June 2013, and think we'll arrive in Beijing, China about the 31st of October 2013 A big aspect of this adventure is to raise money for an important charity. So please help us put our adventure home to New Zealand to good use. Dig deep and donate now!

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Stan Crawl: Toon to NZ

Stan Crawl: Toon to NZ

Latest donations

C Pevreal
C Pevreal on 28 Nov 2013
Donated on behalf of Lyn Curril from Waikato DHB. Thanks for the support!
Jill Jones
Jill Jones on 25 Oct 2013
Well done you two!
Georgina van Hoppe
Georgina van Hoppe on 14 Sep 2013
Good work team Chezza!!
Mum Glasgow
Mum Glasgow on 04 Sep 2013
Hurry home & drive carefully! Safe travels - cant wait to see you! Xxxx
Diane Pevreal
Diane Pevreal on 18 Jul 2013
Great cause. Safe journey home. xx

Who's involved?

Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 22 Apr 2013 and ended on 22 May 2013.