Participating in Fitbit 250K Challenge
I'm aiming to take 250,000 steps in November – that’s about 8,300 steps every day! Along the way I'll get fit and, with your help, support Diabetes NZ in the great work they do.
Almost 280,000 Kiwis have diabetes, with a further 100,000 people predicted to have pre-diabetes or who are at risk. Every dollar raised from this fundraiser will go towards changing the lives of those affected in NZ, and to promote healthy lifestyle habits - like walking more.
Thanks for your support! 2 December 2021
260,912 steps for November AND I hit my $75 fundraising target with your help, thank you so much!
Participating in Fitbit 250K Challenge
250K steps. One month. One life-changing challenge. Step towards a healthier you 1 – 30 November.