Steve's Marathon

$1,260 of $3,000 goal
Given by 25 generous donors in 4 weeks

Please help me raise as much money as I can to provide further support for my two societies as they cannot continue the great work that the


Sands New Zealand is a network of non-profit groups supporting families who have experienced the death of a baby. My Wife and I lost our 2nd child over 2 years ago. My father passed away 10 years ago from the spread of Cancer so I've also chosen Cancer Society NZ.

Please help me raise as much money as I can to provide further support for my two societies as they cannot continue the great work that they do without donations.

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 19 Mar 2014
Well done mate!
Tim O'Hara
Tim O'Hara on 14 Mar 2014
Hey Steve, Sorry its a bit late but well done on the run. Proud of you mate
Tim Kershaw
Tim Kershaw on 10 Mar 2014
no more pies
Bates on 08 Mar 2014
Go steve
Anita Hughes
Anita Hughes on 08 Mar 2014
Good luck Trouble! Such a fantastic thing your doing for great causes. Well done xxx

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This campaign started on 5 Jan 2014 and ended on 4 Feb 2014.