Street Prints take on the Maunga Everest challenge

$200 of $1,000 goal
Given by 2 generous donors in 8 weeks

Wanting to get fit and give back to the Surf Live Saving lads and Lasses who give alot to the Mt and Paps community!

Bay of Plenty

Commited to climbing Mauao 38 times over 50 days while raising money for our 3 local surf clubs.

Street Prints' involvement (page creator)

Husband and wife, Jah & Lovie will be climbing the Mount 38 times each over 50 days!

Participating in

Mount Everest Challenge

We challenge you to challenge yourself and climb Mauao 38 times over 50 days while raising money for our 3 local surf clubs.

Latest donations

Tony on 06 Feb 2015
Keep it up Jah ...!
Street Prints
Street Prints on 31 Jan 2015

Who's involved?

Donations to this page will be split evenly between 3 payees:
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This campaign started on 31 Jan 2015 and ended on 3 Apr 2015.