Support me as a mentor for young people with Upside

$820 of $1,000 goal
Given by 12 generous donors in around 3 months

Due to COVID-19, Upside has lost almost $100,000 in funding, which has put the support for young people at risk.


I give my time each week to mentor an awesome 16 year old in Auckland. I'm doing this through a great organisation called Upside. We hang out once a week, have built an awesome relationship and I want to keep it going for the next year.

As part of the programme we get to go to awesome events like camp, beach day, movies, rock climbing etc., which lots of the young people don't normally get a chance to do.

Due to COVID-19, Upside has lost almost $100,000 in funding which has put these awesome experiences at risk. Would you help me in my mentoring journey to make sure my young person and I can keep doing these awesome things together?

Amanda Thomas' involvement (page creator)

I am a volunteer mentor with Upside

Latest update

WOW  18 June 2020

Oh Wow!! I did not expect such generosity! Have upped my goal, so amaaaazing. Love you all xxx

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Latest donations

SP on 29 Jun 2020
Amanda Thomas

Awwww, thank you si much SP. So kind, you're amazing 🥰

Amanda Thomas
Janelle on 27 Jun 2020
You're making a huge impact on young lives as you were always destined to do. Go Aunty Panda! Love, The Mad House xx
Bob on 27 Jun 2020
No no Amanda u are a star.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 21 Jun 2020
Amanda Thomas

Awwww, thank you so much for your kindness and generosity Alex. So appreciated!! You're a gem 😊

Amanda Thomas
Mike on 18 Jun 2020
Looks like a great initiative, good on ya Kiri xx
Amanda Thomas

Hi Mike, A really big Thank you for your generosity. I'm Kiri's sister and am a part of this volunteer programme. Thank you again for your help. Amanda :)

Amanda Thomas

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Created by Amanda Thomas
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 15 Jun 2020 and ended on 15 Sep 2020.