Upside Youth Mentoring Aotearoa

Upside Youth Mentoring Aotearoa

Upside Youth Mentoring exists to help young people in Aotearoa feel a little brighter and more loved than they did yesterday.


Welcome to life on the Upside. We exist to support change in Aotearoa New Zealand's young people with adverse childhood experiences.

We want to help them feel a little brighter and more loved than they did yesterday.

Our dream is to change the future of our nation. We've been matching young people with mentors since 2006 and with over 700 matches and 6000 hours of mentoring a year, we’ve seen time and time again the life-changing effects of this connection. We currently work in Auckland, Rodney and Tauranga.

Latest update

What happens in one year of mentoring?  4 June 2020

Posted by: Dave Robertson

See for yourself as three mentor-young person pairs go from complete strangers to confidantes and close friends.

It's a journey of ups and downs - but the positive outcome is undeniable.

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Upside Youth Mentoring Aotearoa (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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