Due to COVID-19, Upside Youth Mentoring has lost almost $100,000 in funding, which has put the support for young people in need at risk.
Kia ora koutou,
I give my time each week to mentor an awesome eleven year old in West Auckland. I’m
doing this through Upside Youth Mentoring, an incredible organisation with a big heart for the young people of Aotearoa! We hang out once a week, have built an awesome relationship and I want to keep it going for the next year.
As part of the programme we get to go to awesome events like a camp, a beach day,
movies, rock climbing etc., which lots of the young people don’t normally get a chance to
Due to COVID-19, Upside has lost almost $100,000 in funding which has put these
awesome experiences at risk. Would you help me support Upside Youth Mentoring by donating any amount and make sure my young person and I can keep doing these awesome things together?
Thanks so much for your help!
I am a volunteer mentor with Upside
Yay-Thank you! 6 July 2020
Thanks to everyone who has given so far-ya'll amazing! Will try for $1000.00!