Due to COVID-19, Upside has lost almost $100,000 in funding, which has put the support for young people in need at risk.
Kia ora friends,
I mentor an awesome 12 year old in Ōtāhuhu through a great organisation called Upside. Upside Youth Mentoring (formerly Brothers In Arms) exist to support change in Aotearoa New Zealand's young people with adverse childhood experiences. We want to help them feel a little brighter and more loved than they did yesterday. I believe in the incredible work of Upside, and see how important it is for children who have been through adverse experiences to have support.
Their dream is to change the future of our nation. They've seen time and time again the life-changing effects of connection through mentorships.
Due to COVID-19, Upside has lost almost $100,000 in funding which has put these
awesome experiences at risk. Would you help me in supporting Upside, to make sure the most vulnerable youth in Aoteroa can keep getting the support they need?
Ngā mihi nui ki a koe
I am a volunteer mentor with Upside.