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Support our yearly kids camp weekend with Upside

$10,829 of $12,000 goal
Given by 40 generous donors in 6 weeks

Due to COVID-19, Upside has lost almost $100,000 in funding, which has put the support for young people in need at risk. Help us save camp!


I give my time each week to mentor an awesome 11 year old in Mt Wellington, Auckland. I’m doing this through a great organisation called Upside. We hang out once a week, have built an awesome relationship and I want to keep it going for the next year.

As part of the programme we get to go to awesome events like a camp, a beach day, movies, rock climbing etc., which lots of the young people don’t normally get a chance to do.

Due to COVID-19, Upside has lost almost $100,000 in funding which has put these awesome experiences at risk. The highlight of the year for most kids is the camp weekend which at the moment we don't have funding for. I'm looking to raise $12,000 to bring back camp.

I am putting my money where my mouth is and donating $3000 of my own savings! That's how much I believe in this organisation and trust that the funds will be well spent. Please help me reach my goal, pitch in what you can and SAVE CAMP!!!

Link Cayer's involvement (page creator)

I am a volunteer mentor with Upside. This has been a tough year for them and I'm dedicated to helping them financially.

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WE SAVED CAMP!!!  2 August 2020

Hello Generous Donors,

I am writing to let you know that it's official, we've raised nearly $11,000 and as a result camp will be happening Oct 16-17 with Upside Youth Mentoring at YMCA Camp Adair. The staff at Upside are overjoyed with our support and the weekend will have a marked positive effect on ~100 youth-at-risk from the Auckland area.

When I started this campaign and donated the first $3000, it seemed like a large task to raise the rest of the money. However, I had faith that even though we are in the greatest time of austerity that our generation has witnessed, there would be just the right of amount of generous hearts to pull it all together. I cannot thank you enough but hope that my heartfelt message communicates my gratitude.

Thank you :-)

Warm wishes,

Link Cayer

“It is in the dark, not the light, that a candle shines the brightest.”

― Matshona Dhliwayo

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Latest donations

Hamish on 16 Jul 2020
Nicholas on 16 Jul 2020
Ryan on 16 Jul 2020
Pieter on 15 Jul 2020
Aunt Jan
Aunt Jan on 15 Jul 2020
Good cause Luc. Have fun.

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Created by Link Cayer
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 6 Jun 2020 and ended on 19 Jul 2020.