'Mount' Everest Challenge!

$155 donated
Given by 7 generous donors in 9 weeks

Hey everyone! Thanks for looking at this! Thought it would be a good opportunity to give back the surf clubs that do so much!

Bay of Plenty

38 times up the Mount is the equivalent of climbing Mount Everest! Please help me raise money for the Surf Lifesaving Clubs by donating a few dollars (which is HUGELY appreciated) or by walking up with me over the next 50 days- or even both! Every dollar and footstep is worth it!

Samantha Pendleton's involvement (page creator)

I work at Omanu Primary and know how important water safety is! The Surf Clubs do a lot for our school and wider community- so if it is only a few bux raised, it's better than nothing!

Participating in

Mount Everest Challenge

We challenge you to challenge yourself and climb Mauao 38 times over 50 days while raising money for our 3 local surf clubs.

Latest donations

Gary- Dad
Gary- Dad on 04 Apr 2015
Emma on 03 Apr 2015
Well done sis!! Xx
Kimmie on 03 Apr 2015
Well done! What a great effort!!
nomzy on 03 Apr 2015
Good stuff Sam - cool to finish strong with a triple too!
Sue Lewis
Sue Lewis on 02 Apr 2015
Well done Sam! Amazing effort x

Who's involved?

Donations to this page will be split evenly between 3 payees:
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This campaign started on 4 Feb 2015 and ended on 10 Apr 2015.