Support Lou as she swims 23km over the month of March - the length of the Cook Strait!

$1,400 donated
Given by 18 generous donors in 10 weeks

Participating in The CENTRAL ITM Big Swim 10^6

Carterton, Wellington

I used to love swimming as a teen and have recently discovered how much I love it as an adult too! We use the Carterton Indoor pool multiple times a week for swimming lessons, evening swims with my friends and swimming for fitness. It is a fantastic asset and I am very keen to support the cause.

The CENTRAL ITM Big Swim is one of the Carterton Indoor Project fundraising events and is bringing together a community to raise the $1.7m needed to upgrade the pool facilities.

I will be be swimming 23km total in March to support the cause and would love your support 🏊‍♂️

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Invitation to attend the CENTRAL ITM Big Swim Event Wrap & Presentation  8 April 2024

Posted by: SPLASH

The Carterton Indoor Pool Project invite you to an evening of connection and celebration.

Please join us at 6pm, on Monday 29 April at the White Swan Country Hotel GREYTOWN to celebrate the community’s achievements and connect with the people who are involved with using the Carterton Indoor Pool.

The CENTRAL ITM Big Swim 10^6 involved over 340 participants, who covered 2,552,083m (including two solo swims across of Lake Taupō), resulting in $52,766.10 dollars donated.

Please RSVP to before 25th April.

Ngā mihi mahana,

The Carterton Indoor Pool Project Team.

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Activity tracking

Total distance covered: 23 km

Latest activity

Indoor pool  27 March 2024

1.5 km

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Participating in

The CENTRAL ITM Big Swim 10^6

Swim individually or as a team, and help to urgently upgrade the only community indoor pool in Southern Wairarapa.

Latest donations

Ron on 12 Apr 2024
Well done Lou.
Alice on 01 Apr 2024
On behalf of Otis’ toe 😂
Private Donor
Private Donor on 31 Mar 2024
Anna, Fras and Pippa
Anna, Fras and Pippa on 29 Mar 2024
You’re amazing Lou!! 💕
David on 11 Mar 2024
Lou Newman

Thank you so much David 😊

Lou Newman

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This campaign started on 1 Feb 2024 and ended on 14 Apr 2024.