Swimming Te Ara a Kiwa for Sharks

$564 donated
Given by 22 generous donors in around 7 months

Swimming across Te Ara a Kiwa (Foveaux Strait) to raise funds for Mountains to Sea Wellington.


I'm Bre, and I'm swimming across Te Ara a Kiwa (Foveaux Strait) for sharks.

Te Ara a Kiwa is a Great White breeding ground. Every summer around 80 Great Whites hang out in these waters.

I'm doing this because every year humans kill over 100 MILLION sharks. There's 71 percent less sharks in the sea today than there was 50 years ago.

Sharks are weird, wonderful and misunderstood. They're older than trees and dinosaurs. There's 500 different species, each one as different and interesting as the next.

The loss of sharks threatens ocean wellbeing - and therefore human wellbeing.

- Sharks maintain the species below them in the food chain, serving as an indicator for ocean health

- Their presence stops sea turtles over-consuming kelp, keeping kelp habitats healthy (helping mitigate climate change!)

- By moving between deep and shallow waters, sharks enrich deep water with essential nutrients.

This page is raising funds for Mountains to Sea Wellington. MTSW is a marine organization that connects people to nature, builds understanding through science and exploration, and inspires communities to care for the environment. As Jacques Cousteau once said "people protect what they love". MTSW engages with local communities and schools to deliver freshwater + marine education programs and restoration projects, helping people connect to our beautiful moana. We need more people in the world who care about our oceans and what's in them - including sharks <3

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Latest update

April 2024 Update  23 April 2024

Thank you so much everyone for your donations so far! You are helping Mountains to Sea to connect more people to their oceans and waterways and find ways to protect them! It’s really appreciated. Bit of an update for April: The Dawn till Dusk Swimathon went great, everyone’s support was incredible! The weather took turns between being choppy northerly waters and raining southerly’s. I ended up swimming around 18.5km throughout the day, and Rebecca and Emma were swimming for the majority of the day too so would’ve done a similar distance! We’ve now raised over $400 thanks to your generous donations. I’m off to work on Spirit of Adventure soon, where I might be able to sneak a few ocean swims in, then straight to Australia to Outdoor Instruct. Kenilworth pool have very kindly let me access the outdoor pool over winter which I’m very excited about! I also have a few schools over in Aus lined up to do shark presentations to. Then in about two months I’ll be back and ready to do some more collaboration with Mountains to Sea, as well as some ice swimming so my body is ready for the cold waters of Te Ara a Kiwa.

More updates later in the year to come from me. In the meantime, look after yourselves and keep advocating for the wellbeing of our oceans and each other ❤️🌊

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor 5 days ago
Kate - swim safety
Marisa 6 days ago
Marisa - Swimming safety Good luck with your endeavour!!
Anne on 05 Sep 2024
Anne Swimming Safety
Nicole on 04 Sep 2024
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 03 Sep 2024
Swimming safety

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Breanna Ward's avatar
Created by Breanna Ward
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 23 Feb 2024 and ends on 30 Jan 2025.