Slowfish owners Graeme and Eveline will walk 38 times up and down Mauao in 50 days. How are we going to find the time, and the energy????
Bay of Plenty
We lead such a busy life with a 7 days a week business and 4 kids (15-13-6-and 3 year old). We are always on the go. Never finding time to spend together or walking up The Mount. We would love to join in trying to provide funds for a fantastic cause. It will mean 5AM walks or walking after 10hour shifts.... it's going to hurt, but we are keen!!!
We can't imagine our busy Mt Maunganui beach without the surf lifesaving clubs. They need continuous financial support to keep us safe, educate our kids and so much more.
We challenge you to challenge yourself and climb Mauao 38 times over 50 days while raising money for our 3 local surf clubs.