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The Awareness- Canterbury Action on mental health and addictions network

$400 of $2,000 goal
Given by 6 generous donors in around 3 months

Help the Awareness network of Canterbury continue to be voice for some of our most vulnerable community members.


Hi folks,

After 14 years being a part of this amazing group, I am stepping away. I'd like to leave, knowing that the Network has enough funds to continue their amazing work.

Though Awareness, through their partner, MHAPS, has a contract with the CDHB, this only covers the employment of our coordinator who works diligently to keep the network running day to day. There is no money left for actual project work.

Our projects are vitally important to the Mental health and addictions community. Our mission is to provide a voice to mental health and addiction services and to other agencies from the perspective of people that have been using these services; who have experienced mental health issues and/or addiction issues themselves. This "nothing about us, without us" philosophy has helped make some great improvements to our mental health system, but there is much work still to be done.

Past projects include; creating a DVD resource for clinical staff about the effects on patients from seclusion called "opening doors", funding consumers to attend training and conferences to provide consumer input, providing support for consumers to sit on selection panels, consumer groups and national consumer councils, supporting consumer led events such as mad poets Canterbury and the divergence festival, addressing the human rights commission regarding the treatment of mental health consumers during the earthquake response, and recently, addressing the mental health inquiry and providing feedback that has helped to instigate major changes over the next few years.

Monies raised will go towards:

1. Funding for new projects, and continuing current projects.

2. Financial support for our amazing volunteers who contribute to the Network so fantastically.

3. Provide further training and support to consumers who wish to participate in making consumer's voices heard.

Bernice Gibbs' involvement (page creator)

I have been the chairperson of the executive committee of Awareness, partnered by MHAPS for 2 years, and on the executive committee for at least 8 years.

Latest donations

Harris on 16 May 2020
Private Donor
Private Donor on 05 May 2020
Go hard team
Chris on 25 Apr 2020
Hi, I’m a mental health support worker. I agree strongly with giving the Tangata Whai ora a voice. Kia kaha to your work. Kind regards, Chris Naylor
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 19 Mar 2020
Neisje on 18 Mar 2020
Here you go

Who's involved?

Bernice Gibbs's avatar
Created by Bernice Gibbs
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 12 Mar 2020 and ended on 12 Jun 2020.