Mental Health Advocacy and Peer Support

Mental Health Advocacy and Peer Support

MHAPS has a vision of Christchurch being a place where people flourish and have all they need to live the best lives possible.


MHAPS’ peer workers meet with people experiencing mental health challenges, for support, advocacy, connection and education, in groups or one-to-one. All our peer workers have lived experience of mental distress, and of transforming these experiences into a life worth living. We offer genuine human connection and the chance to learn and practise these skills together.

We and our predecessor organisations have provided thousands of instances of support to people in need since the early 1990s.

More about us

MHAPS’ peer workers meet with people experiencing mental health challenges, for support, advocacy, and education, in groups or one-to-one. All staff have personal lived experience of mental distress, and of transforming these experiences into a life worth living. We offer genuine human connection and the chance to learn and practise these skills together.

Latest update

Update for 07/12/2013  7 December 2013

HI, from 23 November until Christmas I'll be giving up Coffee and Chocolate for this great cause. First weekend was a bit of a shocker with 'flu like withdrawal symptoms but It's been not too bad since then, although the aroma of my wife's espresso in the weekends is a bit of a challenge.

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Mental Health Advocacy and Peer Support (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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