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DRUMedin at THE REGENT for THE NIGHTSHELTER - community drumming for a cause

$3,114 donated
Given by 29 generous donors in 12 weeks

DRUMedin is a taiko drumming show and musical marathon at the Regent Theatre, Dunedin, to raise funds for the Dunedin Night Shelter Trust.


FAMILY TIME 7AM-10AM SUNDAY 22ND JANUARY, bring your wee ones to play big drums with Otaiko and some special guests from the Highlanders Team.

At noon on Saturday 21st January, 2017, the marvellous Regent Theatre, Octagon, Dunedin, will open its doors to 24 hours of drumming. The O-Taiko Japanese-inspired drumming group, with help from their friends, are raising funds and awareness for the Dunedin Night Shelter Trust.

The Night Shelter Trust, Dunedin, provides a vital service, offering care, kindness and shelter to those who are in need of it, 365 days of the year. Please donate through this page to support their valuable work, because everyone of us needs a little help sometimes.

The Regent will be open to the public from noon on Saturday 21st January until 7pm. We will re-open at 7am on Sunday 22nd January until noon.

Gold coin donation upon entry, and koha to drum on stage with the O-Taiko group at any time.


Otaiko will play a 15 minute medley, on the hour, every hour, and 3 drums will continue to play ceaselessly throughout the 24 hours.

Saturday 21st January

12 noon - Otaiko perform opening medley

12:15 - 1pm Dunedin Scottish Fiddle Orchestra

1 - 2pm - come and join us on stage!

2:15 - 3pm King Leo

3:15 - 4pm Ayumu Kobayashi

4:15 - 5pm Tom Csima

5:15 - 6pm Molly Devine

6:15 - 7pm Matt Langley

Sunday 22nd January

7 - 10am Family time. Come join us on stage!

10:15 - 11am Rare Byrds Renaissance Consort

11:15 - 11:45 Tahu and the Takahes (TBC)

11:45 - 12 noon Grand Finale Otaiko

The drums will not stop for 24 hours!


ENJOY THE SHOW - Come along to the Regent Theatre to enjoy energetic performance pieces throughout Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. Otaiko will perform a vibrant medley on the hour, each hour, and will be joined by a variety Dunedin musicians throughout the event.

BE THERE TO SHOW YOU CARE - Demonstrating support for the Night Shelter, whether financial or simply with presence, goes a long way to dispelling the stigma of short or long term homelessness. For those in that situation, fighting preconceptions can be as hard as overcoming the more tangible challenges they have to face when getting back on their feet. Being present on the weekend of the 21st of January demonstrates that our community is kind, proactive and supportive.

JOIN IN - Play on stage with the Otaiko group. There will be drums set up for you to play along throughout open hours.

GET SPONSORED - We have drums available for younger folks (aged 10-100) to attempt their own fundraiser for the Night Shelter. Why not get friends and family to sponsor you for a 1hr continuous drum? Come along to an Otaiko Sunday practice - we'll get you ready and give you all the support you need.

Please contact Laura at for more information.

MAKE A DONATION* - Every single dollar counts.

If you are a business or group who make a substantial donation, get in touch, so we can show our thanks at the event, offer your business some promotion in return, and let the Night Shelter see who its friends are.

GIVE US YOUR LOGO - O-taiko send their heartfelt thanks to those local businesses, individuals and groups who are beginning to respond to our requests for support, funds and smiles. This list is growing each day. To be a part of it, so please get in touch. This is a wonderful town with so many truly kind and caring people - how lucky we are. Please take the time to view our UPDATES page to see who in your community is giving their generous support. - follow this link to see who is on board already!

DRUMedin simply could not take place without incredible hard work and proactive support of the Regent Theatre and all its people, including the volunteer ushers, who allow the show to go on.

We are also grateful to the The University of Otago, Department of Music, Theatre and Performing Arts in the Division of Humanities for their constant support of O-taiko, and for this event.

*Where a donation of $5 or greater amount is made, a donation tax receipt is issued. A donation tax receipt can be used to claim a donation tax credit with the Inland Revenue Department.

For more information:

Dunedin Night Shelter Trust: David Brown –

O-Taiko: Sabrina Goh –

General event enquiries: Laura Cope –

"A nation's greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members.” - Mahatma Gandhi

O-TAIKO FOR NIGHTSHELTER's involvement (page creator)

O-Taiko wanted to instigate this event to bring our Dunedin community together in a fun, energetic and loud way, to raise awareness and financial support for the Night Shelter Trust. Supporting each other, within the community, when times are hard is vital if we want Dunedin to continue to be a healthy and happy place to live.

Latest update

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GUILD happy to stand by the work of the Night Shelter.   16 January 2017

Our thanks to the designers of Guild, Dunedin for showing their support for the Night Shelter. Thanks to you all.

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 28 Jan 2017
Great idea for a fundraiser
your biggest fan
your biggest fan on 26 Jan 2017
Sarah Rance
Sarah Rance on 22 Jan 2017
Well done guys
Megadog on 22 Jan 2017

Many thanks from all the otaiko team!

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 22 Jan 2017

Thank you so much! We really appreciate this.

Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 9 Nov 2016 and ended on 5 Feb 2017.