At noon on the 21st January, 2017, the marvellous Regent Theatre, Octagon, Dunedin will open it's doors to 24 hours of drumming. The O-taiko Japanese-inspired drumming group, with help from their friends, are raising funds and awareness for the Dunedin Night Shelter Trust. For the O-Taiko players, this is a live-in, sleep-over, staunch-as drumming marathon.
The Night Shelter provides a vital service to our community, giving care and shelter when it is needed. Please donate through this page to support their valuable work, because everyone of us needs a little help sometimes.
With generous help, support and sponsorship from local schools, businesses and the community at large the drums will not stop for 24 hours!
We invite you to join us - to enjoy energetic performances pieces, to join in and play on stage with the group.
The Regent will be open to the public from noon on Saturday 21st January until 7pm. We will re-open at 7am on Sunday 22nd January until noon.
Gold coin donation upon entry. Koha 'pay to play' donation to drum on stage with the O-taiko group.
Contact if you would like to be involved in any way - perhaps you would like to play for and hour with the group and collect your own sponsors for this? Perhaps you have a business or have a kind employer that would like to sponsor the event substantially in exchange for promotion on the day?