Three shaved heads for three amazing charities!
Manaia (9), Tui (8) and Taika (5) Huntley have decided to shave their heads to raise money for their top three charities.
In February 2019 Manaia, then aged 7, was diagnosed with a brain tumour. He went through chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The treatment took a huge toll on him physically and emotionally but along the way Manaia and whanau received amazing support which made life that little bit easier.
The Ronald Mcdonald House South Island was a home away from home for the Huntley's when Manaia was going through treatment at hospital in Christchurch. Home cooked meals, support from the amazing staff and a chance for the family to stay together is just a small part of the support that was generously provided.
The Child Cancer Foundation provide personalised support to each family through a one-to-one connection. They help with the big things like emotional, social and practical support. But also the little things that you don't know you need until it is provided.
I Am Hope funded counselling session to help Manaia to process what had happened and to provide strategies for dealing with the emotional long term challenges of cancer treatment.
These three charities have made such a difference in the lives of Manaia and his whanau. So much so that Manaia and his siblings want to give back - and what better way to do this than embracing one of the major side effects of cancer treatment - losing your hair!
Manaia, Tui and Taika will shave all their hair off. This is no small thing for three kids who love their long locks and quirky hairstyles! Especially for Manaia who has already lost his hair once, but in his words "it's only hair, it will grow back" ❤️
The shave will take place in early June and we are working on organising an event... details to follow.
Any donation you can give to support the kids three chosen charities would mean the world to them!
I am Manaia, Tui and Taika's Mum.