Tiffannie's 2022 Youthline Wellington Digital Appeal!

$30 donated
Given by 2 generous donors in 12 days

Participating in Youthline Wellington's Digital Appeal 2022


Kia ora (hello!) amazing human reading this!

You might already know that I volunteer and work for an incredible organization called Youthline. You might also know a bit about what we do, but if not- that's okay, too. Keep reading- I'll fill you in :)

Youthline Wellington has been supporting young people and their communities for over 50 years. Our services include our 24/7 National helpline, and our local services; Youth Development Programme, Mental Health Peer Support Programme, Ongoing Education Programme and tailored workshops for young people and the community.

This year we're going fully digital- no searching for change to pop in our buckets (also, less chance to spread COVID) so really it's a win-win! Please donate if you can. If not, you can still make a difference just by sharing or by creating your own donation page!

Thank you for reading- You are awesome just because you are YOU! <3

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Participating in

Youthline Wellington's Digital Appeal 2022

Join us in raising funds for Youthline Wellington and support young people across Wellington and Aotearoa.

Latest donations

Hannah on 11 May 2022
Sam on 10 May 2022

Who's involved?

Tiffannie Chrobak's avatar
Created by Tiffannie Chrobak
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This campaign started on 10 May 2022 and ended on 22 May 2022.