George Legget - Unicorn Foundation NZ

$1,681 donated
Given by 28 generous donors in 12 weeks

Riding the length of the North Island to raise funds and awareness for Unicorn Foundation NZ.


The day my dad was diagnosed with Pancreatic Neuroendocrine cancer is one that I will never forget. I decided then and there that I must help him with the fight.

I am very fortunate that I can join him and many others on my bike to help raise money for the Unicorn Foundation NZ. It will be a fantastic journey and I hope that with your help, other families will be able to access the amazing care that he had and that we come one step closer to finding a cure for neuroendocrine cancers.

The Peter McCallum centre in Melbourne, Australia is at present the only place kiwis with Neuroendocrine Tumours can have an important diagnostic test that helps determine their future. No government support is available for this scan, and this is very tough for some people.

As a start, the Unicorn Foundation is trying to raise $400,000 to create a programme over the next two years to allow New Zealanders to access the right test at the right time to give them the best chance for the future.

Thank you for supporting me, my family and every family that is affected by neuroendocrine cancer.

- George Legget

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Unicorns have now cycled over 600 km !  16 April 2015

We only have two days to go in the Tour of NZ and our riders have now cycled over 600 km.

It was huge day today, and it started in one of NZ’s most beautiful places just outside the Chateau, in the Tongariro district. It was extremely cold, especially when the intense wind gusts pushed them around but each rider gave it all and made it over the finish line. Our young gun Matt Noland taking out first place for a 2nd time was also a highlight. The determination to complete this challenge along with the camaraderie amongst the team has been incredible to witness and I feel so blessed to be a part of it.

We have a few photos up on our Facebook page, head to:

When your there, click the "Like" button to follow our progress.

Warm regards,

Siobhan Conroy

Unicorn Foundation NZ

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Participating in

Tour of New Zealand - Unicorn Foundation NZ

The Tour of NZ Unicorn team is cycling the entire length of the island (over 660 kms!) to raise funds and awareness for Unicorn FoundationNZ

Latest donations

Millie Bidwill
Millie Bidwill on 20 Apr 2015
Such an impressive effort. :)
Abo on 20 Apr 2015
good man, great man, legend of a man!
Wakefield Family
Wakefield Family on 17 Apr 2015
Go George
Nick Russell
Nick Russell on 16 Apr 2015
Your an absolute legend bro, I hope the ride has gone well. I'll see you back in chch soon with a cold pint ready.
Mike, Sarah and Lucy Bigwood
Mike, Sarah and Lucy Bigwood on 13 Apr 2015
Best of luck George!
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This campaign started on 5 Mar 2015 and ended on 31 May 2015.