Yes thats right! I shaved of AAAALLL my hair!!! It feels so strange but i am so stoked that I have raised over $1000 offline AND online! :D
Because my little couisen has cancer and all her beautiful hair was lost and my Spanish teacher recently passed away from cancer. I want to give something back to those people that have given me so much but have been burdened with cancer. Please show your support for me!
Yes thats right! I shaved of AAAALLL my hair!!! It feels so strange but i am so stoked that I have raised over $1000 offline AND online! :D
Update for 30/09/2011 30 September 2011
I finished!!! Yes i have shaved my head and helped raise over $2000!!! Thank you so much to everyone that helped out and I couldnt have done it without your support. Peace out. April :)