Please help me and the Perimeter Coaching NZ team to raise funds and awareness in support of our local Surf Lifesaving Clubs.
Bay of Plenty
Perimeter Coaching is a group of endurance athletes mainly competing in triathlon. We are of various abilities and ages but all strive to lead balanced and healthy lives, enjoying training, racing, the odd indulgence and family. Please support us in supporting our local Surf Lifesaving Clubs and the amazing work they do!
Late last year, while a friend and I were running around the Mount base track, a local boy was swept out to sea by a freak wave. Despite the amazing efforts of the Surf Lifesaving Clubs in the area he sadly wasn't found. I chose to be involved in this amazing challenge to help raise awareness of what our Surf Lifesaving Clubs do and to help raise funds so they can continue to do what they do!
We challenge you to challenge yourself and climb Mauao 38 times over 50 days while raising money for our 3 local surf clubs.