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Running for Refugees

  • Why are there so many images of business people running

      12 November 2015
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    Did a Google image search for something to use for my last know someone crossing the finish line since I'm almost finished this challenge, blah blah..

    So I do as everyone does and Google an image and I get a bunch of business people running, which raises some really important questions:

    a) who uses these images? and why?

    b) can you imagine being one of the models..."okay guys, so imagine you're literally in a race for business success, now game faces on"

    c) why are there so many?

    d) which one should I use :)

    On a serious note, I'm totally going to try and replicate some of these poses as I cross the finish line this weekend

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  • Only 8 days left!!

      12 November 2015
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    Wow, have been at this for over 2 months now and running pretty much every other day.

    Good news is that I've only got just over a week to go and on track to meet my 400km fact think I will be over by a little bit in the end!

    Couldn't have gotten this far without all your support, seems corny but is completely true...pretty much every time I have a morning run I have an internal monologue debate with myself listing all the reasons I should just stay in bed..but then I remember all you who have put your faith in me and I begrudging get out of bed and pound the I have all you lot to blame haha :)

    Thanks again and bring on the Queenstown Half Marathon!!!

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  • Auckland Half Marathon locked & loaded

      19 October 2015
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    Received my bib number for the Auckland Half, the could-be-catchier 13122!

    Only a few more weeks till race day, which unfortunately for me coincides with the RWC final, so won't be watching that live...oh well, me giving up watching the All Blacks (hopefully) winning the RWC pales in comparison when compared to what refugees must give up so really puts it into perspective.

    Thanks for all your support so far, it really does make a difference.

    260kms down....140kms to go!

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  • 122kms done 278kms to go!!!

      23 September 2015
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    Rain or Shine I've been out pounding the pavement...over a quarter of the way there and the first big race (Hamilton half marathon) in a couple of weeks.

    Feeling good and your support has definitely pushed me to keep going.

    Thanks so much!

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