Yasmin Climbs Everest

$120 donated
Given by 8 generous donors in 7 weeks

a ridiculous challenge in which I attempt to climb the mount 38 times in 50 days for a great cause.

Bay of Plenty

after a month long stint in Asia where I ate and drank too much and became dreadfully unfit, I signed up to do this crazy challenge in a moment of madness and goodwill for an excellent cause.

send me luck or, even better, send me a bit of money. homes of hope do amazing work in the community and deserve anything you can spare!

Participating in

The Mount Everest Challenge 2016

Join us to once again complete The "Mount" Everest Challenge. Celebrating health and fitness while raising money for Homes of Hope.

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 23 Feb 2016
Keep up the great work... I'm proud of you :-)
Nurse Woody!
Nurse Woody! on 23 Feb 2016
Good luck and well done. I went up once last weekend so appreciate the effort it will take!! Great cause X
Paul on 23 Feb 2016
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 19 Feb 2016
You go girl ;)
Megs on 17 Feb 2016
You can do it put your back into it

Who's involved?

Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 2 Feb 2016 and ended on 25 Mar 2016.